RP Departmnet

Heyo its Meyo! I just had a thought lets get some of that RP justice!

Ever since they introduced the first Allied Races I have been nothing short of happy with wow, doing things I never even thought possible since I first started on a pvp sever till I hopped to small rp server (RIP cenarion circle. :pray:t6:) but I really want to know this. Does Blizzard have a RP department and should rp be getting a little more attention?

Now to answer half of those questions. No I don’t think they have an RP department, could be wrong, but I feel they do not and not just because I’ve sent in 40 messages about dark skin blood elves (Ill fight to the death for it)

Rp is… an art. A fun pass time no matter how cringy, no matter how weird people think you are its a thing in the game and will always be apart of it. If you took away all the rp servers mfs are still gonna rp on the pvp or pve servers the only reason we don’t is because we don’t have to we have our own damn place and we stay in our lane, respect. So while pvp and pve have their own little department, rp should have their own as well hell it could even stretch into the games design itself. People working in the rp department could worry about things such as possible storylines for more quest, more designs for characters, more armor, even character models you name it! Just little things that show that they actually have a impact on the game.

Having an Rp department sounds ridiculous but its only fair because it seems the only ones that are truly doing something about it are the fans and it shouldn’t be like that. Its should be both fans and company! I know it’d be hard to even implement this kind of thing but I want some feedback on this negative orpositive just to you how you ladies and gents feel about this. It could be dumbest thing you ever heard and I don’t blame you.

Alsooooo Blizzard you could make hell bank off the the rp community. People paying for that character art in their TRP profiles aint cheap son like real talk just give us a little more customization or a hire on a 3d artist get a little pocket money for you. But I didn’t say anything ;X anyway thanks for reading and stay blessed. :star2: