1 . FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Until today, this high office of our great and mighty nation has remained silent in regards to the baseless accusations levied by the delegation of the Forsaken High Command in their “arrest warrants.” This office has left these charges unanswered, until this point, because they were assumed to be nothing than a childish attempt by an entity that has lost three wars - and survives purely by the grace and generosity of the Grand Alliance - to antagonize the nation of Stormwind with needless bluster and sabre rattling. It is clear now, however, in the wake of summit between the Grand Alliance and the Horde, that these Forsaken agents, once our noble brothers and sisters in life, now seek a far more nefarious end. Be not confused, Citizens of the Grand Alliance, these warrants do not involve justice, but the macabre Dance of the Dead. It is one thing for the Forsaken to issue warrants for the capture of Scarlets and Cultists of the Damned, in this many of us would stand side by side, but the Alliance did not come to the table at the summit on October 4, 633 K.C. to protect such errant, misguided, and criminal entities. It came to negotiate because the Forsaken named the holder of this office, the Lord High Speaker of Stormwind itself, in a warrant that levied spurious charges against her. An act itself coming on the heels of the torture, starvation, and extortionate ransom they call a “fine” of the Mayor of Stormwind City, Sir Gideon Northgate. We all know that the charges, “demagoguery, thievery, and Scarlet supporting” are vague, without evidence, and are but mere misdirection.
The Forsaken charge the holder of this office not as part of an ordinary quest for justice, but as a means of intimidating the Alliance and exacting petty retribution for being so thoroughly routed by the bloodline of the holder of this office during a serious of Crusades nearly a decade ago. These Forsaken smart and lick their old wounds, seeking only now to to sneak in an unfounded retribution against a most noble and ancient bloodline while using Scarlets and Cultists as a smokescreen to hide their true intent. We all know that these charges are pretextual, mired and strained as they are in falsehoods and pettiness, and that these warrants, these lies, do not serve the purpose of justice, but to fuel the vile and reprehensible blood sport known only as the Dance of the Dead. The Forsaken profess to seek justice when their real aim is to acquire living persons, or, as the Forsaken ambassador stated, “metabolically active persons”, to fight for their very lives for your entertainment. There is only one punishment that the Forsaken offer. They offer no trial in a court of law. They offer no fair presentation of evidence. They offer no real justice other than that delivered at the dull end of a blade. They give their prisoners only one option: fight for their lives, or die.
The Lion shall no longer entertain the bleating of the sheep. The Forsaken may execute upon their lies as they see fit, but they must be prepared for more than sternly worded letters in retaliation. A threat to the agents of the Crown is a threat of war, and if we must once again instruct the Forsaken on the depths of our mercy, the armies of the Light and of Stormwind shall rise against them. So thus, a plea to the Forsaken, to the former friends, former brothers, for sisters, mothers, and fathers of Lordaeron, I beseech you all to turn away from your foul and Scourge-like inclinations. I beseech you to end your Dance of the Dead. I beseech you to see reason, and I appeal to all of you who yet worship the Light, and who yet value the virtues of Compassion, Tenacity, and Respect, to give up on this endeavor. Let the peace remain. Let us honor the commitments of our leaders. Let us learn after so long that not all problems need be solved with bloodstained fields and orphaned children. Please, remember that we once fought side by side in life, that together we accomplished the impossible, moved mountains, and defeated the armies of the Burning Legion. Please, remember your humanity. Abandon your futile and misguide quest, end the blood sport of your Dance of the Dead, and let us allow the old divisions, the old hatreds, and wounds to heal without this antagonization. Let us not make the same mistakes as our forebears, and let us join together for peace. Let us use diplomacy of the word, and not the sword, to come to an accord. Let us have peace in our time. King’s Honor, Terez Ascania
OOC Disclaimer: This forum post was done on behalf Terez, with her permission. I am posting this on her behalf because my account can post images on the forums, and her account can not. For questions, comments, and rp please address them with Terez.
Dance Of The Dead 2021: Dance Of The Dead - Oct 21st & 22nd, 2021 (RP & RP-PVP)