RP Class Idea?

I’m wanting to RP my own made up class, and it’s going to be something similar to the Revenant from GW2.
For those of you who don’t know, the Revenant is a class that channels the power of different historic legends from the past.
The character I have a desire to play does something similar, except that instead of channeling their power, they take on the historic figure’s form. (An example of this happening in fiction is when Aang took on the guise of Roku in episode 8 of The Last Airbender.)
The characters I want to take form of will be purely made up on my part, and they aren’t legendary like in GW2. They’re just old spirits that are connected to the character in question.
But before I started I wanted to make a post about it in the forums. I know a lot of people are going to say “Just Rp what you want.” But I don’t want to annoy people with a potentially lore breaking idea. What are your thoughts?

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What you’re proposing is reminiscent of the Spirit Champion…


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I do enjoy this concept… I love the blademasters but this… this might make a mag’har monk more doable :thinking:

I’ve seen a lot of different interpretation of classes. Long as it’s done well I’ve never seen it bother anyone. My favorite was probably a Darkspear DK who RP’ed himself as a High Priest of Bwomsamdi.

For your particular angle though I’d definitely look into the lore more. But off the top of my head I know Shamans and I think Monks involve a degree of ancestral worship or reverence that could maybe translate into what you’re going for.

The Medium in Pathfinder is simmilar.