RP- Call to all Mag'har

When we came back after some month we noticed it look like the RP is kind of inactive, if you compare it a couple of months ago. We wanted to join a mag’har only guild, or a tribe guild. We found the second. Since the RP is almost dead (on horde side at least) we thought maybe joining another guild, would be better, to reach more people.

We may have the opportunity to have a mag’har group inside another tribe guild, so we feel less lonely.

We have the core idea of what we want to do, but we would like to wait, to let some people join us so they have a word about the background, the goals, and the rest about ''our group".

Our focus beside RP will be pvp, ranked and casual. We will prefer to get geared, even in shadowland with pvp (conquest is back! :P) If that’s not something you like, you will still be able to do pve content, up to raid, with the other tribes.

We would greatly like to have a shaman before we start anything. No matter your experience in rp, same thing with your level. We will be there for you. ( you can join us as a shaman, even if you don’t want to be THE shaman.) We can take any other class, we just want to wait for the shaman before we start offically our rp. We will still be here to RP outside the main story while we wait.

Anyway, what else do we have to do ?

Sorry for the grammar, my first langage is not english.


Not enough RP guilds seem to utilize the shaman spiritual leader trope. I don’t have an active Mag’har but I’m rooting for yall!


I’ve no idea why any sensible person wouldn’t want to RP in a haunted castle, but I wish you nothing but success.


What a wonderful idea! I’m rooting for you guys. I want to see this idea take off. :grinning: