RP as Scourge?

Hey so I have this concept for a scourge character that regains their free will after the events of the shadowlands

Does that make sense lore wise? I feel like it would be the same as RPing as the scarlet crusade, sure it works but you’re limiting yourself a lot more (which I’m ok with)

Thanks in advance and any other thoughts would be helpful

so in many ways yes it works and lore can back it up.
just requires some additional steps.

Nathanos Blightboi was once a shambling corpse eating ghoul in the eastern plaguelands.
sylvanis captures nathanos ghouly mode.
Through re introduction of the self through constant exposure to someone he cared for, rejogging the memories of individuality he broke away from the domination helm. nathanos reclaimed sanity… but he was still in the body of a ghouly.

nathanos captures and preforms a ritual on his cousin Stephon Marris. The ritual is dark and requires a valkyre. Soul goes into the body. previous body burns to ash and dark oily miasma.
This is in the short story : " dark mirror "

so if you want to, thats a way to go.

so you want to be one of the “scourge” who never became enlightened in zereth mortis… okay bro you do you with your “free will” now

In the questline where the Ebon Blade commandeer the Shadow Vault, there is mention of a tool called a Sovereign Rod which was allegedly used to help maintain control over the more intelligent Scourge; and is used in a quest to break select Scourge of their thrall. To my knowledge this is pretty much one of the only examples of Scourge regaining free will, besides the formation of the Forsaken.

It’s not entirely clear if Zovaal’s death means the Scourge in general are actually free, partially or entirely. As such I’d say the idea could work but I personally would prefer to utilize something less murky to achieve the goal. Ultimately though, I somewhat doubt enough people would care as much as I do about it to render the idea detrimental.