[RP] An Uneven Circle

Standing tall, Chieftain Abrahof Ragetotem looked upon the gathered tribe. He called all to the normally uneventful tribal circle. With the chief’s totem at his back, Abrahof had made a statement that this was not about to be the usual tribal circle. His Horde pressed shield stuck into the ground as the dark red icon faced the crowd. The chained rocks floated above his shoulders as if they were attempting to escape. His black tabard with a similar red insignia reinforced the prevalent iconography this evening as opposed to the pines of the Redwood Tribe. In a low and slow voice he started:

Just the other night the news had reached me; High Chieftain Baine Bloodhoof arrested for treason. Official reports accuse him of aiding the enemy, undermining the Horde war effort, sabotage, terrorism, theft, and collusion. According to the scroll, High Chieftain Bloodhoof released Derek Proudmoore, brother of the enemy commander Jaina Proudmoore, back to Alliance custody after stealing the Forsaken vessel he was housed on. He did not deny these accusations. One Forsaken accomplice had been executed on the spot for similar charges. Witness statements that have made it back to Kalimdor claim all of the Horde high leadership was in attendance, suggesting Warchief Windrunner wished to make an example of him. Similar sources state High Chieftain Mayla Highmountain was both confused and disgusted by the event while others retained a somber tone. Few others report a proud consensus among the crowd and select leadership. “Those who lack loyalty also lack honor.” was the reported consensus.

This is a trying time for us Shu’halo but we are not to be shaken. The war continues, that much is for sure. The High Chieftain is one of strong body and mind, he will be able to defend himself if and when need be. It is up to the rest of us, the Chieftains of the remaining tribes, to forge a path forward. Recruitment drives have only increased and many braves, young and old alike, have found themselves stuck at the front for extended periods of time. Our allies assure us that the actions of one does not represent all and request our recommitment to the war effort. The chieftains of the various tribes are in agreement, the sooner this war comes to an end the sooner we may refocus our efforts on the Earth Mother. The only way for that to happen is with the handed defeat of the Alliance and their allies. It will not matter if we war against them or against those who wish to do the Earth Mother harm, the blue devils will continue to hunt us. The massacre of the Stonespire, the sacking of Taurajo, the aiding of the Grimtotem, all made it clear the Alliance will stop at nothing to see us subjugated to their will.

I ask you all, as your Chieftain, to continue in the preservation of our tribe and our people. Only through a strong tribe may we have a strong Horde. Not until very recently have all of the tribes, all of the shu’halo people, been reunited under one banner. There is strength in this union and our bonds are unbreakable. I ask you all to reflect on this, and to come to myself privately if you wish to voice concern or have questions.

Earth Mother watch over us all.


Snort hot steam from his nostril, clearly angered.

What ever the chieftain decides I follow.


Honorguard Mokalyn Wildmane listens to her Chieftain, nods with caution

Mokalyn thinks she will need time to think about what has happened, how she feels, and how she wants to proceed. The first thing she wants to do is rush to the location where her High Chieftain Baine Bloodhoof is and bash the forsaken guards until their bones are a pile of dust; however, she must have a cool head about her and protect her tribe and Chieftain Ragetotem.


After some thought, Elder Lohkawas Wildmane speaks up.

Chieftain Ragetotem is a wise leader in these troubling times and will do what must be done to keep the Tribes safe and strong!

Even as last night’s assault on Orgrimmar proved, once we stood together we prevailed. Redwood stood in defense of the capital, proving their loyalty to the Horde!


For the Dark Lady!


[Taurahe] May the earth mother watch over the shu’halo during the coming days of the war.


[Taurahe] We continue to fight a war against the alliance as the earth mother continues to die! Where is the justice for her?! May the fires of An she burn those who continue to let the earth mother die!


written in an open formal scroll

Chieftain Abrahof Ragetotem of the Redwood Tribe,

I am writing in formal support of your tribe. I am also writing in formal support of the Tauren. After all, the Tauren are the very people who gave we Forsaken the chance to be Horde in the first place.

I hold no high office. I am just a guild leader and one of many, many soldiers to hold the title, “Champion”.

I will have no effect on Horde policy or Horde legal decision. I am a simple medical professional doing work between the various Horde cities and strongholds for those in need.

The reports on High Chieftain Bloodhoof were troubling. I will not go into what you know happened.

I have a different view though. When a noble heart takes such action, it is worthwhile and honorable to taking a deep look at why.

This is the teachings of my temple. I will not question my masters wisdom on this.

It is within the High Chieftain’s nature to do what his heart feels is right, no matter the cost. He has done so before.

I will not debate the rightness or wrongness of his actions. I do however concern myself over his words and where his heart was.

Even as a deep supporter of our Warchief, I must admit this might be one of those areas where we Forsaken might be especially blind. You might not be aware, but Undeath has its issues.

It was said that the High Chieftain had said there was a sickness within the Horde. That we waged war while the Earth Mother was dying.

We may have had different policy if it was one of the past Warchiefs in this emergency. After all, Warchief Thrall felt so strongly about the Earth Mother’s danger during the Cataclysm that he stepped down to confront a possible apocalypse. Warchief Vol’jin waged war to free an Alternate timeline Draenor from dying. Warchief Vol’Jin literally died defending not only our world from the Legion, but all worlds.

Both of these heroic Warchiefs would have felt such issues in their living hearts. You may not be aware, but that might be an issue here.

We undead often do not share the same sense of urgency with the living. It is embarrassing to admit, my heart does not even beat. I have no idea how blind this might make me or the Warchief to the issue of the Earth Mother’s plight or the urgency of this trouble.

In our leadership position, we may be acting with cold thought of those who do not even have the same sense of time. Without that living emotional swell, we may not be acting with the feeling that the Earth Mother or the living members of the Horde need.

These may be real blind spots. As I said, Undeath has its issues.

We do have vision beyond the living in some things though. I do know both horror and loss. Both of which I know to degrees that I would give my very existence to spare you and your people from.

When the Warchief takes even brutal action to protect the Horde, it may look different to living eyes. The idea of sacrificing a thousand to save a million is a simple cold, reasoned equation to many of us. This equation will look quite different to empathic, beating hearts, even if the action is exactly meant to protect those that would protest it.

If the Earth Mother is dying, it is time to find a way to cure her. Our multiple attempts as “Champions of Azeroth” have not yet done so, despite working directly for the Speaker Magni. This may have been what prompted the High Chieftain to action.

If there is a sickness in the Horde, we must find a proper way to dispel it. We will all have to find a way to strengthen our bonds again as a family of many races and tribes. This may also have been what prompted the High Chieftain to action.

There is a blessing among the Tauren that states, “May the Eternal Sun guide you.” In medicine, we are also aware that sunlight is one of the best disinfectants.

As loyal members of the Horde, we can’t follow the High Chieftain’s extremism. We can however heed his call to action through legitimate means that have not yet been shut down by the needs of war.

I will have more to share soon. After all, that which has not yet been forbidden, has not yet been forbidden.

Within my own ranks, I will take the additional step of entrusting this to a living guild member. The proper speed and feeling of this may require a beating heart.

If I am not the best candidate to carry this out, I shall step aside so this important task is handled properly. The cost would be too high for the weakness of pride.

Sincerely and humbly,

Layllyn of HAUNT INC

scroll ends


No value lost with the High Chieftain, horde is better off without those traitors. Follow him and you’ll end up the same way, so get in line and do your job.


Mokalyn reads the above statement… Snort


I’m sure there are two sides to this story. In the meantime, this war keeps the gold flowing in. With or against the warchief, we’ve got just what you need to put that extra BOOM in your arsenal! Consult your local Swiftsilver Cartel representative for all those toys the Earth Mother never got you for winter veil!


Another great read from a great group of players and roleplayers.
Thanks for getting me on my feet in wow. Love the guild and the realm.
Lok-tar ogar.