[RP] Alliance guilds. And Horde guilds. Event in Dalaran

I am naked.

I’m attend if we discuss the partitioning of Lordaeron among the Humans, Dwarves, Belves and Trolls. Forsaken fell out of Great Power status so the area is free real estate.

Also not like anyone was living there.

Lordaeron is currently occupied by many different Forsaken guilds and groups. Don’t think that we will take it lightly to our land being stolen. Many of the Forsaken lived there before becoming undead. And more yet have called it home in the years since. It is our home. And we will defend it. Be careful whom you declare as your enemy.

I shall inform everyone I can!

Darbroka, I really wanted to make it, but our tabletop game won’t be over in time. I hope you have good attendance.

I have decided to reschudle.