RP Addon for making NPCs speak (not AI voice but text)

There was an addon someone told me about a couple of years ago where the person running an RP session could make in-game NPCs deliver dialogue and the other party members would see that dialogue being delivered by the NPC instead of the gm just saying it as the character. I’ve been trying to find it but alas, the garbage that is Google’s search engine only gives me results about the AI voice-over apps that turn NPC’s speech text into audio speech.

Does anyone know what this add-on is called and is it still available?


I believe it was called “npcTalk” but then I think the functionality actually got added to TRP2 or the early version of TRP3. Either way, I do believe TRP did this around 10-ish years ago in the WoD expansion when I first started using RP addons.


Oh! So it’s something I already have then. Awesome! Thanks!


yes there is that guy who always takes offense when i float into the cathedral in shadow form…


“Yer gettin’ yer shadowy footie prints all over my clean floor!”

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TRP3 Extended.


I was going to say TRP 3 Extended has the ability to allow you to have “npcs” shout, say, emote and whisper as if they were speaking. You just have to put in the name. “random NPC 1” Says. “BLALBLAH” would show up once you hit enter of if you wanted to emote that Jorel (spelling??) the bar tender in the Slaughered lamb and your toon are buddies you can do that too with TRP 3 Extended. I usually do that when I play my Postal guy picking and dropping off mail around stormwind! It’s fun.