[RP A/H] AAMS Lounge Night Relocated

The AAMS Lounge Night Has Been Moved!

The Anytime, Anywhere Messenger Service is pleased to announce we’re opening up our weekly lounge night to be more inclusive for all our clientele.

Our new location is:

The Drunken Hozen
Dawn’s Blossom, Jade Forest

Still every Saturday at 7pm!

For those in need of transportation, please contact the AAMS and we’ll make sure you get there!

((We’re making this move due to the introduction of the Elixir of Tongues making it easier for us to host cross-faction events… and, well, we are a cross-faction guild!

If you need to pick up an Elixir, they are for sale in the Underbelly of Dalaran, or an AAMSer is likely have a few extra with them at the event. ^.^

If you’ve done the beginning of MoP, fastest way to the new location is to take the portal to Honeydew Village from Orgrimmar or Paw’don in Stormwind and take the flight path to Dawn’s Blossom.

Alternatively, travel to the shrine from New Dalaran, and take the flight path to Dawn’s Blossom.

If you’re not able to travel to the Shrines, we’ll be glad to assist lowbies with transportation.))