Rotation question

With my current spec, does it make sense to spam devouring plague on a single target or apply devouring plague on multiple mobs? (m+ environment)

Is there a spriest discord or somewhere to ask rotation type questions, or things to help improve dps?

I think with the current tier and minds eye build you focus devouring plague generally on one target, and use it to keep your mastery up. But might be good to spam it on multiple targets if possible when you’ve got the 4 piece bonus active to get out as many spirits as possible.

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Warcraftpriests discord is the place to go for that. Shadow questions channel.

As for the answer.

With mind’s eye you just prio one target with a focus on keeping plague uptime as high as possible without capping insanity. With distorted reality you try to multi dot between roughly 2, maybe 3 mobs in the pack.

In m+ you can run either mind’s eye or distorted reality. In raids you always run distorted reality.

Devouring plague doesn’t work like regular dots, you can reapply it at any point and you won’t waste damage. The only thing to keep an eye on is uptime to keep your mastery at maximum effectiveness.

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