Rotation for Arms in PVP

I think I know what to do but just need confirmation…

Mortal strike whenever up, I also try to always get overpower 2 charges before mortal strike pops up and if sharpen blade is up do that as well for maximum damage.

Execute whenever up

When nothing else is up, slam…

Anything I’m getting wrong???

There is no rotation in PvP. It really comes down to the situation.

You’re pretty much right. I generally macro sharpen to mortal strike. I hardly really use slam unless I’m about to be rage capped and I don’t have a massacre proc/Mortal is on CD.

It will probably feel a lot more smooth once we get more access to haste.

Don’t macro sharpen blade to mortal strike lmao


Nothing wrong with macroing sharpen to mortal strike, sharpen is 25 second cd and off gcd. I have 2 mortal strike buttons 1 with them macro’d and one that just uses mortal strike only, But 95% of the time you want to use sharpen on CD so why wouldn’t you macro them?

Wait what? You don’t use Sharpen on CD lol. Macro’ing it to MS is bad.

You want to use it as much as possible yeah, but you also don’t want to just throw it out and waste it and then not have it for a go. So I guess you almost want to use it on CD but not quite.

Also don’t wait for 2 stacks of Overpower to use MS. That’s also bad.

Good tip for arms warriors wanting to push higher. Treat Sharpen Blade as a CC.


^^^^^^ this

50% healing reduction is huge. sharpen blade is essentially a cc, just like storm bolt or intimidating shout. Use it in a cc chain. It’s an incredibly strong ability to be used as needed. Not on CD.


I only use overpower 2 charges when ms isn’t up…

That’s fine. Just don’t ever hold MS. For anything. Ever.

its so bad to do that, you use sharpen blade to help secure kills, using it for ME DO DAMAGE ME KILLL is just idiotic

calling it idiotic is a little harsh :laughing:

Not optimal? sure

But not idiotic

Id rather someone macro it so they remember to use it than not remember its there and not use it at all.

You score kills with pressure as warrior. So you just never use sharpen then? 25 second cool down ability and never use it?

when did i say dont ever use it, you use it to secure kills, you want to use it to put the other healer even further behind after a crowd control chain/stun swap. using it off cooldown is stupid.