Rotating on the spot - slower?

Random thing I noticed… or maybe I’m going crazy… but did rotating on the spot (like, using keyboard keys) become slower since 11.0.7? Feels like it’s about 25-50% slower than it used to be.

And no, I don’t keyboard turn in combat, lol. Just an RP thing. lol

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That’s what I’ve been asked by two friends but I’ve had turn unbound since tbc. :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

I think one or more hotfixes are interfering with this.

Type this to get it back to normal:

/console turnSpeed 180


Type this command:

/console turnspeed 180

180 is default speed but I think you can turn it as high as 800.

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Yeah every time i log in, i usually just log out and back in and it is fixed for the rest of mh session.

This is good to know. I was searching my settings trying to find a camera speed or something.

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I haven’t observed this, and I do some keyboard turning. What I have observed is rotation on vehicle quests has become way slower. But I think this happened at the end of Legion. It’s a huge PITA when they drop you facing away from a pack of mobs and it takes 5 seconds to turn to face them.

Ancient magic, long lost and better off forgotten.

Not sure which camera you are talking about, but selfie cam or screenshot quality can be improved with this one. The default is 6.

/console screenshotQuality 10

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I also just noticed that relogging also seemed to fix it for this session, as someone else mentioned.

It has for me as well when I do try it.

Happens if you use the siren isles equipment like the robot vehicle you enter to attack baddies.

Even relogging doesnt fix it so have to use the /console turnSpeed 180 to restore it.

Drove me nuts.