Rotate in different dungeons every week for M+

Blizzard, this would be an amazing change. You need to stop worrying about catering the game around competitive ladder chaser type players by keeping this static pool of dungeons every season.

Imagine how better M+ would be if we had new dungeons rotating in every week.

Edit: Repeating the same 8 dungeons every week for months on end is just absolutely boring. WoW has access almost 100 dungeons and we are stuck with this static pool of 8 per season.

People would cry about routing/whatever.
Can’t please everyone.

They are trying to cater the game around competitive type players instead of making the game better for the casual player.

This thread is going to get slammed with the same 20 M+ defenders in a few mins, all arguing against this change, because they want to treat dungeon running like a sport.

Being stuck in the same 8 dungeons just reeks of lack of imagination MMO design.

Yes, let’s listen to the player who openly acknowledges they hate M+ on a change that would hurt the experience for the players that want to be there. While simultaneously giving an advantage to the same competitive ladder chaser types you reference because they would have a significant leg up on the players you’re supposedly wanting to help. Seems like a great idea…

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I’m confused about how this would make it better for casual players. For the most part, “casual” players struggle to actually master the 8 dungeons we have over 6 months…let alone a new dungeon rotation every week.

And this doesn’t really hurt high-end M+ players because they have the gear and skill to push dungeons regardless of which ones are up.

So please explain the benefit here because I’m not seeing it…other than making YOU less bored


You do realize that’s the entire point of mythic+, yea? It’s a timed game mode with score given based on time.

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This would single handedly kill pugs for me.

Could you imagine having to explain every single dungeon you’re in? With a timer? :frowning: gross.


I’m a filthy casual, and I disagree with this.

If we’re grinding on M+, I want them to be consistent for the duration. The good and the bad. Its bad enough folks dodge affixes, I don’t what a week with “Oh Great, Occulus” which means a dead key for whatever poor sucker gets one of those that week.

That is my point, it is set up as some dumb e-sport.

I thought you were quitting?

Blizzard struggles as it is with tuning 8 dungeons, what makes you think they would be able to tune 100?


Sure. If they rotate in different bosses every week. Theyve got like 500 raid bosses. Good luck progressing and getting any completion done with that lol

Bad take is just bad

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Yeah this does not sound fun.


The thing about M+ is to be successful you have to learn the individual dungeons. Not M+, every pull and every boss in every dungeon. The higher you go the more every little thing matters.

Can still be learning things at the end of the season that aren’t in the WoWHead guides.

So it would be even harder to keep up with those “Elite Gate keeping” types that so many like to complain about.

Would make IO a mess as well which will make pugging very hard. As much as people hate it, it is meritocratic and a reliable indicator of what you can expect from a stranger.

Imagine how many bugs people would find that wouldn’t be fixed because week after week would be different dungeons.

Oh this mob is completely destroying your party and is semi bugged? Who cares, next week, it will surely be better! Oh this affix is bugging into the wall/ground? Meh, you didn’t really want to complete the key anyway.

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M+ is supposed to be competitive content. It is a huge draw for a large portion of the community. If you don’t like it, maybe it’s just made for other players besides you to enjoy?

This is like making a post saying release a different Mythic Raid every week like Awakened because some content that you don’t participate in isn’t interesting enough. I don’t collect pets but I’m not over here suggesting that I should be able to duel NPC’s pets myself because I can’t be bothered to go collect 10 pikachus before hand.

If you are looking for casual dungeon content, Heroics got massively buffed and at least once a month there is a timewalking period where a bunch of older dungeons get bumped to heroic difficulty. M0’s no longer have timers and award raid level loot in the vault! And you’re about to get delves! And dungeons where you can go in alone with a party of NPCs! It’s almost like a big part of TWW is making the game better for casuals and less competitive at the low end.

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