Rossclot - Disconnection Errors

NO IT’S NOT RESOLVED… Been playing for a week now with no problems, was doing a mythic+ and got booted midway, tried re logging, everything works fine till I get to 70% in the character load, then it will freeze for 10 seconds then I get the WOW Disconnect general error. I’ve had this before and have had success renaming the WTF/Interface/cache to .old or just deleting them, then it happened again about a week later, I had to find another fix by deleting the blizzard entertainment and []( folder in %appdata%. that worked for about a week, but here we go again. Now trying all previous fixes, and every step in troubleshooting forums, reset interface, power cycle, flushing dns, deleted antivirus software, repair and reinstall game, check for packet losses 0%, ran internet repair app, inputted the wow rule to open wow ports, nothing is helping now and all forums and blizzard support say to do are these options.


I moved you to your own thread, because the one you were posting in was for a known issue which was fixed. You were having your problem long before the problem we mentioned in that thread, so your issue is likely unrelated.

Since you’ve already tried a few things, let’s get some more information. Please create a WinMTR test which catches a disconnection. You want to restart the test every 10-15 minutes until you catch one of these problems. Once you’ve caught one red handed, run the test for about 5 more minutes. This will let us look for problems between your house and our servers which may cause this.

If you have problems with posting it due to a link error, go ahead and copy paste this into your next post, and replace “WinMTR goes here” with your test.

WinMTR goes here