Roots.. the epidemic

I solo qued a random epic bg last night and ended up in wintergrasp.

Is there no DR on roots? We ended up winning but it was pure cancer to even try to move because of all the roots going out, either druid or mage roots. Just constantly everywhere and it was like we never got any relief from them.

They need to trim CC its become a bit obscene with all the micro cc going around. We need more fighting not root wars.

I have no idea how roots work in wintergrasp. Sometimes vehicles are immune to slow, sometimes they can be trapped. What is going on with rooting cars? They should be immune to CC.

There is DR on roots, but maybe Blizzard didn’t put all the spells in the DR like some knockbacks.

CC is out of control. Its ridiculous now

Roll gnome

And then there’s the trick where you web pull the IoC siege to the roof of the workshop and it instantly explodes with no damage taken.