Rook's Pursuit - RP Guild/Cross-Faction

Rook’s Pursuit is a new Expeditionary and Trading Co.
Seeking to acquire new membership and funding.

Founded following the Raven’s War (server rp-wpvp campaign), Rook’s Pursuit is the combined endeavor of one Bartram Byrne and one Lestraud Harken.
With the objective of locating and destroying potential threats, powerful artifacts and creatures.

Bartram Byrne, our founder, after acquiring the possible location of several powerful objects, was filled with a purpose to prevent another event like the Raven’s War from happening. Bartram has set out to find and obtain these objects. Creating Rook’s Pursuit to aid him in this task.

Rook’s Pursuit will be hosting several events and participating in gatherings across Azeroth, with the intent of acquiring funding for their expeditions.

I will be adding to and editing this post heavily…

This guild is purely about RP. The sole intent is to participate and create server RP events, with a neutral theme that anyone can be a part of.

My goals are to host at least one RP event a month.
For this guild to participate and support any other guilds hosting RP events.
Attending both factions Bar Nights, and encouraging walk up across the server.

For now we are only Alliance side, and a horde sister guild will be created soon.

If you’re interested in participating, shoot me a msg!

Discord: Lluagor#9765
Twitter: @LluagorED

If you’re not looking for a guild, but interested in joining RP, join the
ED Community Discord: