Rooks Pursuit - Roleplay Prompt

So a year or two ago, I used to make these writing prompts, using an alt guild Rooks Pursuit, to do so.

I am bringing those back, but with the hope to get you out in the world Roleplaying.

Prompt 1: Un-Earthen’ed Goods

Sell or trade an item to an Earthen (player character), using it to “teach” them about the rest of Azeroth. This can be any tradeable item from in game, grey items etc.

Create a story for it to convince them they need it, or of its importance. This can be legitimate, or you trying to take advantage of their naivety!

Come back here and write a short story about the interaction.

  • Describe the item,
  • How the trade/sell went,
  • What you were able to get out of it (if anything!)
  • Have fun!

I recommend doing this in Dornogal!

(If you are an Earthen, sell an Earthen item to one of the many travelers coming through Dornogal!)
(if you have trouble finding an Earthen player, feel free to use sell/trade your item to anyone, but may have to change up your tactics!)

I will try to create new prompts once a week or every other week depending on how this one goes, so be on the look out.


Every Earthen PC with TRP in Dornogal this week be like:

“Why am I so popular all of a sudden and why is everyone trying to sell me sh*t.”


I have tried to sell a Goblin Gentleman’s Magazine to three Earthen with no luck.

Hope you guys are doing better than me.


I mean, there’s a reason Griftah went to Dornogal.


Where do people RP in dornogol anyways? I ahven’t seen many people IC there.

I dont think theres like a chosen spot. But if you have TRP you can see who is more likely to be open to RP.

Ive seen a few people walking around by the Auction House RPing a couple times.

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I’ve RP’d around Dornogal in the AH/bank area, there are also quite a few nice inn spots just to the side of the Council chambers. Also, if there’s a TRP that’s walk-up friendly and has OOC turned off, they’re fair game, imo.


Attempt I:

I approached an Earthen and offered my best sales pitch.
Turns out it was just a VERY dirty Dwarf…

Attempt II:

This time I approached the Earthen, and made SURE they were not a dirty Dwarf by taking a wet cloth to them. It was an indeed an Earthen this time!

But after hours of laying on my sales pitch and HEARTBREAKING backstory as to why they should by from me, this Earthen appears to have been Inert the entire time…

Attempt III:

My final attempt I found an Earthen surrounded by others, DANCING for them. Definitely not inert this time…

I approached the group and sweetened them up by offering them some free drinks! Kaja Cola! The Earthen informed me at this time that they could not drink… I asked them why they had a giant Meadery then? And we both were left with more questions than answers.

Was eventually able to sell them a Goblin Gentleman’s Magazine, and they told me they would let me know if they were actually able to use it or not later…

I also was able to sell them a guide to Making Money and Influencing Subordinates, and he joined me in trying to sell Snay’kuh Olay (legitimate product) to others.
We were not successful.