"Rook Rally" missing cutscene

Encouraged Lufsela, immediately went to a load screen, and right after I’m at the base with the rooks. It sounds like there’s supposed to be a cutscene there.


Same also happened to me I was so disappointed


Yup, just happened to me too! Abandoned the quest and redid it and same result. Not completing it for now until they fix it.

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Same, just teleports you down with an obvious lack of context. Going to abandon the quest and wait until it’s fixed I guess.

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Same thing happened upon completion. already accepted the next quest so guess I’m SOL until someone uploads the cut scene to YouTube…

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Sadness. Same happened here :l

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Experiencing the same issue. I abandoned the quest and started over to see if the cutscene would play. Same thing happened. Loading screen and suddenly at the bottom.

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Same, which has me concerned to proceed any further with the non-EA part of the campaign as I’m concerned it may still be flagged to behave like beta and skip cutscenes.

Same, just finished it and was jumpscare teleported after encouraging Lufsela.

Same here… Also after the ‘The Edicts’ quest as well. Pretty sure that should be a cutscene after that one - based on the context after

I got the cutscence with only music, no talking :frowning:


Same happened to me and now all the voice overs are broken.

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Yeah, looks like the ICG now plays at the right time, but no VO. Maybe they are still tweaking things server-side.

I got this but at the stage area

I got the cutscene, but without voice.
Now all characters do not have voice enabled. I click on Thrall he doesn’t say anything.

Just like the cutscene in the pre-patch event with Magni…

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That happened to me too.


Just noticed that too. I tried relogging and changing my audio devices around, but no dice - and no voice from any of the NPCs. My character can still vocalize emotes though.

You’ve got to restart the client for that to start working.

I did the quest just now, and same. Bummer.

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Sadly I can confirm, this is still Broken. I got to the cutscene and there was background music but no voice audio.

I abandoned the quest reloaded and tried again, same issue.

I abandoned the quest again, rebooted and same issue.

Hopefully this is fixed soon.