We’re looking for experienced horde PvP’ers, whatever’s left of them anyway, to salvage this dumpy faction. We are a 10+ year old guild with a legacy of instanced and world PvP. Currently our enterprise is small but has lots of room for AGGRESSIVE expansion. Our attitude is quality over quantity and thus we look for atleast 2200 experienced players. Most of our core group of friends is multi hero/glad. Atm we are the top horde RBG team with no close second. We run RBG consistently throughout the week and will likely have a second team going soon. Even though we do prioritize rating experience our enthusiasm is not limited to instanced PvP, we like to gank. Message any of our members in game for more info.
^^^ Our home movies :]
Please join our guild
If you don’t then please feed me your corpse thank you 
i think joe biden pooped his pants today
Hi there.
Myself and my teammate are looking to transfer from Pagle to Grobb Horde.
We are a fire mage and an aff lock.
He is gladiator exp, on Ele shaman, back in original Cata.
I am 2300 exp, back in original wrath/Cata, on Holy Paladin.
We are strong players with a pvp focus. I took a break so I am still getting better every day but we are solid and looking for an RBG group. We carry regular BGs every day and want to get into RBGs.
We have been screwing around in arena but haven’t seriously pushed anything yet this season.
My warlock is the character pane from this post.
His mage is Sassychill, also Pagle
Sounds real good, we actually need both of those classes. Message any of our guys in game we’ll ginvite. Probably running rbg later tonight
Do you guys have a discord? I logged over to look for you a couple times and didn’t catch you.
Yeah we do but I’m not going to link it here lol. My realid is UncleHeltor#11474 but if you /who romper room we basically always have someone on who can invite you
I heard these guys got a secret room under Orgrimmar…