Rolling Need

I’ve been watching the loot rolls in LFR for 2 weeks on all my level 70 characters. So far I’ve witnessed several people roll need on items when their gear is far superior. I’m talking several ilvls. 10 ilvl or more and some were tier sets. Every time I am up for a loot roll and my gear is superior, the game LOCKS me from rolling need. There is some obvious favoritism going on in this game and it’s in your game code. No other place for it unless a GM is deliberately assigning loot rolls. You need to fix it. I’m not the only player being railroaded for loot and then locked out the remaining week.

Pretty sure you’re only locked out from rolling need if you have the same item of a higher level. The fact that you think a GM is sitting there deliberately rigging rolls against you is laughable.

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The fact you think I was serious about a GM or that I care about your humor is laughable.


I can’t see the comment you made because I ignored you. I’m sure it’s another derogatory remark. Most likely ad hominem or some other snake in the grass remark. You kids crack me up. You come on these forums, read something you think warrants your opinion, and make a condescending remark to force engagement so you can derail the topic. Then slither away. If you feel threatened, you get your forum fellows to support you so it looks like a person is outnumbered. You weren’t there. You didn’t experience it. You’ve only provided remarks in an attempt to belittle my topic. Go find something else to do. You add nothing productive to this topic meant to inform technicians of this game.