Rolling a shaman

i went with draenei myself.

Yes, tauren are the best choice for all classes.

Or they will be soon.

I tend to pick based on looks and whatever racials sound amusing. Alliance I like DI Dwarf, because the cleanse buff racial is great and mole machine is fantastic for getting around for mogs.

On Horde the Orcs are always solid, though I went with Vulpera because Make Camp is awesome and actually, with my two left feet, the first hit damage reduction has been doing some solid work.

My first character ever was a troll resto shaman, so they always have a special place for me. Alliance… I suppose Draenei.

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I’ve never had a draenei character and being that I only see female draenei I don’t know how the transmogs look male shamans

Only thing to watch for male Draenei in transmog is that the shoulder pads are pretty big for their frame (male orcs have this issue as well, male humans too to a lesser degree).

Draenei or Kul Kiran for alliance

Zandalari or Orc (mag’har dominance) for Horde

My shaman is a female Draenei that I made in the early days of The Burning Crusade. I also have Tauren and Dark Iron Dwarf alts.

Well, here’s something to break down before you can figure out. Are you a Mythic Raider? Do you push keys beyond the KSM requirement? If you intend to, and if that’s the case, then look at WoWhead/Icyveins for racial preference.

If not, then pick your favorite race. Save yourself the headache. Realistically, you should enjoy what feels best to be. Whether it is because of DPS boost, utility, or absolute convenience.

In my case, I went with Vulpera, mobile hearth via camp, absorb damage on first hit from each enemy engaged (Perfect for avoiding Dazed while mounted). And of course, cute and deceptively mean when they learn you’re a shaman.

Any horde race (not vulpera) will do.

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Go Dark Iron, theyre great for mogging too with the mole machine passive. IMO the unique anvil style totems are the coolest of the totems as well


This is the correct answer.


I guess if you’re staying Alliance, DID is the answer.

Kul Tiran!

Ok I can go with that, also I don’t see a lot of male kultiran or draenei shaman. What one looks best in the transmogs

Honestly they both look great but if I’m pulling one way or another it’d have to be the draenei.

If you go KT the actual kul tiran styled gear you get from bfa is looking good on em.

Dwarf ofcourse.

Dwarf is the best Shaman race.

Keep yer feet on tha ground.

Vulpera, as others have mentioned having an anywhere outside hearthstone spot is wonderful (running old raids? make camp outside the entrance. Farming a rare for a transmog/other drop? make camp by its spawn point. Out questing and want to go back and check the auctionhouse? Make camp where you are, go back and return to camp from where you left off. Still doing the Tuskarr soup and want to get there easier than flying when your hearth is somewhere else? Make camp at the soup), you will never have a case where it would not be useful at some point.

And the also mentioned Nose for Trouble is also great, 5% of max health absorbed from first hit of every mob adds up to quite a bit of damage just not taken (as it basically absorbs the first hit of anything less than a boss or highly damaging rare) and highly helps with dismounts (as first hit is often the only one mobs being run by get)

One would never say no to 8 more bag slots either.


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If you’re not going female, orc or tauren. If you NEED to be alliance, then dwarf probably.

I do feel like race choice is one of the most subjective choices though, unless you plan to play at the highest level.