happened a lot to me in arenas lately. when I roll for example from the tomb on the lordaeron arena to a weird angle or use corners to get a speed/jump advantage from roll/serpent kick you just get dcd
I’ve heard that sometimes when you gain a lot of speed and go through a big area very fast the game thinks you’re using lagswitch to glitch the abilities and disconnects you
This kind of sounds like exploiting… I think you mean trying to use the terrain to your advantage and whatnot but it almost reads like you’re trying to use some abstract wall-clipping instead.
Not really an exploit since it has been in the game since day one of Monk. Rolling down an incline that dips or flattens out on a ledge will basically double the distance you roll by launching you forward.
You can also double the distance of Roll/Chi Torpedo if you have high latency which is more of an exploit that was never fixed with Monk launch in MoP.
Roll, Chi Torpedo and FSK are super buggy sometimes and I really don’t think Blizzard will ever fix it.
I had a weird situation yesterday. I used Flying Serpent Kick to cross some water to get to a bear for skinning, and- without touching any buttons- my monk rolled all the way back to where I had started the FSK. It seemed very odd to me.
That’s the same thing for when you press a button as you are landing from a glider.
It’s the games auto detection system being overly sensitive, thinking you are trying to blink through the world.
Happens anytime we as players move at high speeds in the air and hit an ability immediately on landing.
I just got dc’d in a heroic dungeon. Rolled down a surface onto a flat surface and before I could do anything else it dc’d me along with a 30min desert. debuff.
Fat guy have enough problems rolling, why this?
It’s not exploiting I used roll from the robodrome arena on the ledge to get down faster because if you roll over a ledge you get a speed boost and fly further than a normal roll
It’s happening since 8.3 however though. Can’t remember it happening constantly before the patch and the odds it getting fixed seem impossible when you consider that things like MC dc is still ingame
Happened a lot with fsk and activating it’s slam from tomb, bridge in blade’s edge, or the upper section of mug.
I can verify this happens to me. It happens in Shrine as well, in the beginning on the long staircase.
Like I said, it almost sounds like exploiting. Using an unintended consequence, such as wall clipping to gain distance or obscure angles, may classify as intentionally abusing a game mechanic to gain an advantage not intended by the developers… Rolling off a bridge, however, I understand as using the terrain and the skill as intended. The wording made it dubious whether the nature of the action was in good faith or exploitative.