
… they literally just nerfed these and they’re about to buff them again. Hilarious.

I mean… It’s a good thing because they trashed some of them but goodness it feels like they don’t know what mark they want to hit.

Someone beat you to it, Viking Santa.

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No, this one is different!

This is a second Blizzard post where they announced they’re BUFFING them now. :laughing:

Thus the rollercoaster comment. They JUST nerfed them.

Tuning and Balance is always a rollercoaster.

It is. Usually it isn’t quite so snappy like this though.

Same day response of “Uh oh. We went too far” is what I find funny.

Yeah I mean to be totally fair some of this comes from paying too much attention to the WoWhead news feed. Anyone who cant handle being yanked around a bit should wait until 9.1 to play.
If we’re being fair for a while longer, that kinda includes me, hype aint never done me no favors.

My mind instantly went to Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Then Beavis and Butthead.

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Folks. I just think it’s funny how quickly they announced that they nerfed them too hard. Geez. :laughing:

Usually it isn’t so fast.

The upside is this shows they were paying attention to our mockery of them.

If I could pay for a microtransaction where I could insult WoW devs directly to their faces, id probably be broke.

I’d be willing to mortage my house if I could get Gordon Ramsey to do it.


I just tried to find a Ramsay gif of an insult, and all are edited for mature content, so probably too risky to post here.

But seriously, tweet the microtransaction to Blizz, I’m sure one of the financial types at Blizz HQ will see it and give it serious consideration as a new source of revenue. :moneybag: :moneybag: :moneybag:

/moo :cow:

OH. LOL sorry.

Craziness going on here. :crazy_face:

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Because currently conduits are more legendary than legendaries.

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