Roll the bones vs slice and dice?

honestly just play rtb like you would snd. don’t worry so much about it…


yeah they need to make the pvp reduction a little less, it is crazy

I’m a total PvP noob. I literally only did it for one week for the first time in 11 years a couple of weeks ago during the bonus event to get rank 3 of the essence. That said, I stacked a ton of versatility, and was totally pleased with my performance. I very frequently had the most kills and/or did the most damage/died the least.

I don’t recall numbers for specifics, but I don’t recall at all having an issue with my damage.

What makes it so bad for PvP?

(This was BGs. I did not do arenas. Is it bad for arenas?)

I’ve found some similar success with stacking crit and vers but it just doesn’t have enough oomph. Outlaw acts much more like a physical dot, high consistent physical damage as long as you can maintain uptime on target. But that means nothing in this meta when other classes can take out a third of your health or more in a single cast. It’s a ton of fun, but there’s a definite ceiling with the class that can be hard to climb over.

The worst thing by far is simply finding people to even play with. If you don’t have an active group of PvP friends to run with then pugging as Outlaw is going to make you hate it even more. I’ve found some success with caster cleaves but you have to play perfectly to come close to what sin can do by rolling its face across the keyboard after hitting vendetta.

S1 felt amazing because your BtE crits and pistol shot crits actually did some quick burst damage that could force some mistakes. Bad positioning on DPS? BtE crit behind a pillar and pistol shot. Now you’ve forced a defensive or mobility. Now Pistol shot and BtE have been nerfed to such a degree that they’re barely a cut above a sinister strike crit. If they rolled back the nerfs on Dispatch, BtE, and pistol shot by 10-20% then you’d start to see it again. Lot’s of control, decent sustained dps, and terrible burst makes it pretty mediocre in this meta.

I mean you can use SnD but if you think about it, you have to talent weaponmaster, vigor(counteract the loss of alacrity when you choose SnD) and you use blade rush or killing spree. I agree, it’s lame you have to be these cookie cutter specs nowadays. It’s also highly annoying as well with the people especially in the rogue discord trying to elaborate on these cookie cutter spec what you need to do and whatever else based on their opinion of things. Just like the sim sites aren’t completely accurate as well to rely on at times it’s a hypothetical run down of a perfect situation/rotation in game. There have been times in +10s mythic plus runs where I used SnD over RtB and I came out ontop with overall damage including having a DH and fury war in my group.


They need to remove the energy regen buff out of the RtB options. I’m ok with some buffs being worse than others but energy regen is useless.