Is there a Priority order to what buffs you want before deciding to reroll or do you let the buffs wear off before refilling?
Hey there!
I tend to go off wowhead for this kind of thing, but as i currently understand it, roll the bones should be rerolled on any single buff roll EXCEPT True North, the cdr buff. Its totally fine to keep any combination of 2 buffs for the entire duration!
You keep any two buffs and True Bearing single if you’re playing HO, Broadsides if you’re playing KIR. If you’re playing KIR you use KIR when you have any 3 buffs that except for Buried Treasure and you fish for Count the Odds procs before your last buff expires.
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I wish they just put numbers on those dice by importance rather than me having to look up the meaning of the damn symbols.
They absolutely did my make that an intuitive system.