Roll the Bones Macro

Figured I would try Outlaw on my Rogue but I have a problem: How the hell do I Weak Aura Roll the Bones in a way I like?
From what I understand if I don’t have Grand Melee, Ruthless Precision, or 2 of the other buffs I roll.
I can WA the first two (“Grand Melee:Yes Ruthless Precision:No = Activate Aura” & “Grand Melee:No Ruthless Precision:Yes = Activate Aura”) but how the hell do I set it to go off for “Any combination of 2 of the other buffs” ?

Just grab the one off Wago. io - there is one that tells you to reroll or not. Search roll the bones macro wago. io and it should come up. Use the one that says accounts for the 8.2 nerfs

Been there. All the RtB auras i can find on wago. io require certain skills/traits to function or just put up timers of what RtB buffs you have.
A link to the one you’re talking about would help
This one? wago. io/rys5CCCUQ Tried it, it apparently requires certain skills and azerite traits or it does nothing.

There’s also this one wago. io /SyoUyFywQ which is closer but is ONLY reroll, if you have no RtB buff active it does nothing.

i use a combo of xroll and hekili. For hekili remove every thing in the rotation apart for RtB unless you need help with that and xroll gives you sound ques on whats good and and when its time to reroll with little buff icons that you can keep an eye on. Both can be found in the twitch mod section for wow.

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I just use a WA that shows the symbol, times and an abbreviation of the buffs. After i roll i look at what i got and determine if i need to reroll while i build up combo points. Everything doesn’t need to be automated its ok to think.


This is one I put up some time ago.
Assuming it’s still ok.

In PVE I really only cancel true bearing and that’s simply because it makes the rotation feel slow as molasses. Otherwise the DPS difference to my understanding was very low. Oh and I save my 5-buffs for random trash mobs or boss mechanics that minimize my dps almost exclusively.

I use xroller but for the longest time I was using TMW. It sucked going from Legion into bfa , I had to redo some panels and for the longest time I didn’t know what had been changed. Xroller will give you prompts of when to stop rolling for buffs though.

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xroll is what I use

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wago Afenar_Rogue is what i use , trimmed it down for RTB,deadshot and BTE

Seems to work fine no matter which trait i have.(no deadshot or Ace and BTE wont light up unless you have the RTB for it. RTB will not ask to reroll the same way either depending on trait.