Roleplaying question

Yes. This.

I just like my mogs, okay? I like feeling fancy.

Yeah. RP is cool because you can go as casual, or as serious as you want. You can pop into a hub every now and then for a bit of walk up RP, or you can go full ham with stories and plotlines and DMing and what-not.


Nice transmog.

Also, you can take any questions you have to World’s End Tavern, WoW’s RP board, or your RP server’s board, and someone will likely answer within a day or two!

Also, “your RP server” should be WRA. WRA Alliance needs to make a comeback dangit.

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Amen, sister.

No Earthen Ring! We’re making a comeback too! :smiley:

It is true Alliance rp on WRA is practically non-existent.

Just role play an amnesiac. Problem solved.

Tbh this is just general hiatus deflation. It’ll be back up when the prelaunch and expansion drop.

I hope so…in ominous voice FOR YOUR SAKE! ahem :slight_smile:

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I thought about it too but seeing how everyone are sharing their three pages long backstories on the role-play forum… it’s intimidating…

I used to solely play on normal/PvP servers because my friends and family made fun of me whenever I mentioned any interest in RP.

Then one day when I got older, I blew caution to the wind and never looked back.

Now going back to those servers feels horrible. There’s no trp, no stories to read, not the same kind of people, and not the same kind of connections being made.

It feels so empty and lonely over there! I’m never going back.


I don’t get how anyone plays on normal servers anymore, they’re so dead and cold @.@ RP servers still have some semblance of community, it’s really nice.

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I have a second version of this character (a low level) and a few others on WrA alliance, and while it isn’t as popular as MG, it still has the possibility of good RP connections.

There’s plenty of RP events, and personally I just love the WrA community so much. A lot of horde events are neutral as well.

Lots of good people.

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Yes! It’s definitely the community. And I love how we aren’t sharded with a bunch of different servers, just with other RP servers. And some areas aren’t sharded at all.

It’s the closest I have felt to the community in the beginning of the game when people cared about their reputation and making friends.

Yeah the style stuff is broken (generally just doesn’t show up at all, which is fine). That’s to be expected, no big deal there.

I specifically tested profile compatibility though, and it definitely wasn’t universally compatible for all template styles.

But I did that like 3 or 4 years ago. It was TRP3 (not 2), but that’s a lot of time for it to potentially be fixed. I’m kinda curious to know for sure, but I’m too lazy to go test it right now.

To reiterate what others have said, sort of, there’s no harm in making a character and just…hanging out for a bit and seeing what others do. As long as you aren’t being disruptive to RP nobody is going to bat an eye.

Is it acceptable for one’s character to have an absolute hatred for one specific major lore character?


You RP folks are always so kind and helpful! I wanna move over to a RP realm so bad, but i just can’t get myself to leave all the characters i have on my main realm behind. :frowning:

We can always invite you to a group so you shard over to our server, and then RP with us! :slight_smile: