Rogues vanish

Does rogues vanish have the ability to remove hunter’s mark and /or dots, serpent sting?
ive noticed a few times that I will mark a rogue and then use serpent sting and send pet only to have it vanish and then come back at me. I thought this was an ability like cloak of shadows or something. Is this from vanish or is there another ability to do this. This is for rogues that were in their 30s.

Vanish does remove hunters mark, but unless you’re fighting a dwarf rogue, I don’t think they have the ability to remove serpent sting. Maybe an item off the incursion vendor removes serpent sting? Not sure. I stopped playing after incursions dropped.

Edit: Yeah incursion vendors sell Purification Potions that can be used a level 25 that attempt to remove one poison, curse & disease. That’s probably what they used.

I wish we had cloak of shadows lol. Lets hope phase 4 gives it to us. Also, they either used the purification potion from incursions or restoration potion to get rid of any magical or poison debuffs.


Cloak of shadows is too strong for classic. Stealth is already the best defensive ability in the game, and vanish removing hunter’s mark is already bs enough. It’s a little absurd to think that there shouldn’t be any way for an opponent to counter stealth. Rogues having an instant gap closer, with a 40 energy mutilate is already broken enough.


the fact that they left mutliate at 40 is nuts lol
killed the rest of the options for that class. wouldve been smart if they knocked it down to 1 combo point but ehhhhhhhhhh

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It also has like a +40% crit rate through talents, so with assassination you’re really getting 3 combo points half the time unbuffed.

Vanish doesnt remove poison but removes hunters mark/de-agros pet, but we use something else to remove poison first.

First Aid’s Anti-Venoms and Jungle Remedy’s looted from human mobs in the NE corner of STV will also clear Serpent Sting (or any other poison effects), I always make sure I have a few on me when out and about.
It doesn’t use the GCD so forward thinking rogues can make a macro that will drink the Anti-Venom/Purification Potion and Vanish simultaneously :grinning:

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How is it too strong for classic? The meta is instant casts & dots. A rogue has no defenses BUT stealth. Which can be nullified by catseye, human racial, paranoia(fel hunter), ect. Strange a shaman calling cloak too strong lol.

Also, take shadowstep off GCD

Rogues have the most control and mobility in their spell book at the moment, more than any other class. Paired with arguably the highest physical pvp damage. People constantly come to these forums crying about their class’s intended weaknesses then after those weaknesses are addressed cry about how every class is the same.

Rogues are supposed to have weak defenses. That’s the entire point of the class. You shouldn’t be good at everything.

I don’t think you know what the word nullified means. None of those things dispel a stealthed rogue. A human player doesn’t press perception and all rogues in a 40 yard radius get suddenly removed from stealth.

We have the most CC because we are defenseless. Our power lies in the opener & stealth. It shouldn’t be gg if we get caught lackin. You said cloak is too strong, what about dispersion? Lock & load frost trap with entrapment? Those are just a few examples. Cloak of shadows is to even the playing field. Faerie fire? Gg lol.

Again, take shadowstep off GCD

Bad rogues who just stand still out in the open? Sure.
You? Sure.

The rest of the rogue players? Nah, cap.

Not sure what you’re on about lol

Press Evasion bro lmao.

Please refer to what I said the meta was and what cloak does, Balthalor.

You have cloak. You can use it as much as you want.

In retail. Bye.

1/10 nice try

Yeah nice try to ask for a spell you aren’t getting in a vanilla version lmao, go back to retail.


This is where you’re wrong. Getting caught is the counter to your class. It should be gg. Just like getting silenced is gg for a mage.

They still have to find you first to use that. You have stealth. You have the ability to pick your battles.

Shadowstep shouldn’t even be in the game.

Thanks this is what I was thinking if no rune or spell/ability was involved.

lol mages are so screwed