Rogues once again being ignored

This can’t be real life. I’m sitting here scrolling through all the upcoming class changes for 11.1 and looking through all the paragraphs upon paragraphs each class got. And then I get to rogue. It’s barely 3 lines.

I know us rogues meme about the devs ignoring us, but this is just getting out of hand. I sincerely hope you guys are still cooking the rogue changes, because this is completely unacceptable considering how rogues are far from a perfect class and need a LOT of work, just like every other class (if not more).


I am glad they are looking at shaking up the PVP talents for Rogues but it seems incomplete so far. Only one addition but three subtractions so far.

For PVE Rogues are pretty balanced but I will admit several talents in the Rogue general talent tree are major eye sores. And they need to find a way to make Trickster more popular as a hero talent set.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

I’m completely at a loss and felt the same way. My jaw dropped when, after exactly like you said, reading pages and pages of notes for other classes and getting to the Rogue part with almost literally nothing, I saw they removed Shadowy Duel. I get that it has no counter and in the right hands it’s a game winner, but keeping everything the same and then removing a major tool feels like a gutpunch.


Former Rogue, now Shadow Priest main…
I feel ya twice. It’s actually quite disheartening…


For real. I was in Discord with a couple guildies reading it over, loving the hunter and mage stuff. We get to Rogue and they laugh as I’m just speechless.


I agree, there’s no compensation for the loss of PvP talents which just sucks when the other PvP talent choices are either bad enough that having an empty PvP Talent slot would make no difference or niche.

For people unaware of the patch notes for 11.1 rogue pvp talent changes:

    • New PvP Talent: Preemptive Maneuver – Feint decreases your damage taken by an additional 40% while stunned and its energy cost is reduced by 30%.

    • Veil of Midnight (PvP Talent) has been removed.

    • Outlaw

      • The following PvP talents have been removed:
        • Enduring Brawler

        • Take Your Cut

    • Subtlety

      • Shadowy Duel (PvP Talent) has been removed.

The only good thing that came from this patch was blind and gouge now requiring a certain amount of damage before it breaks. Outlaw’s Sleight of Hand buff was beyond overdue.

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Sleight of Hand is being nerfed down which is odd. Must be a mistake.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Losing “take your cut” and “veil of midnight” hurts me deeply.
The blind and gouge change is nice.


It’s probably intentional to offset the extra 5-buff rolls that the other change gives.

Still not happy about it being nerfed personally, but I at least understand it.

At least our tier set has a 50% chance to actually work with Crackshot this time. Unless they specifically make it not work on proc’d dispatches from it. Which I could see happening :roll_eyes:

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y tho? :expressionless:


Yeah but Feint got even more powerful. So that’s good right?

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It is a mixed bag.

Good that Rogues can pre plan to counter stuns in PVP. Bad that Feint does everything which sucks. Feint to counter damaging DoTs, Feint to counter AoE, Feint to counter incoming single target burst damage in general.

What happened to other Rogue CDs and survivability tools?

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Kinda. Our Gouge and Blind should have worked this way for a while now.

Other classes abilities that do the same thing have already benefited from such an effect.

Veil of Midnight was critical for a clean get away with Vanish. Our most powerful defensive CD that is weaker then most others
and has to be held for a reliable getaway in most cases.

It also further widens the alliance and horde racial disparities. Shadowmeld and Dwarf abilities become even more powerful for Rogues.

Given how trivial it is to apply bleeds it is basically assured that Vanish will not work.

Getting more stuff pile onto feint and getting our other CCs to be useful in ways other classes have enjoyed while removing pretty potent pvp talents is for me mostly a crap bag.

But I’m sure these balances are wholly for the benefit of arena.

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I wouldnt say ignored, I would say even more nerfs to an already nerfed class.


crazy no mention of reworking deathstalkers mark application for assa, so bad for pvp. the flow of assa in pvp is so F’d because of the hero talents.

pvp talents have been dry for rogue for some time, nice to see it shake up but no good replacements. been saying it since DF, veil of midnight should only apply to assa since it is not as tanky or have as much control as outlaw/sub but to see it all go away feels bad.

no energy regen rework, just lame, rogue feels like its going to feel bad in s2.our class is going backwards in game design it seems. assa already feels like it cant keep up with most specs now, and only feels good in 2s/bgs. other than that the experience feels like you have to try way harder than everyone to get basic win conditions.

way too much micro cc, mobility, defensives and things knocking you out of stealth.


Every class got some sort of rework or talent changes and rogues got less than one paragraph. It sucks.

I’m hanging up the daggers and picking up the bow to join the most played class. It’ll always get reworks because blizz cant afford to lose the player base.

Good luck fellow rogues. See you on the flip side.


I do not mind gradual, methodical changes for Rogues. But removing more talents than replacing is not methodical or gradual but is a very sharp and drastic change.

BlizZard needs to show the complete changes they have in mind for Rogue PVP talents or the very least communicate that more is on the way.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Rogues are an afterthought. Time to come to terms with reality.


Maybe or maybe people need to realize that discord isn’t the greatest way to offer feedback. Maybe this is jumping to conclusions. And, I know causation does not mean correlation but ever since more and more Rogues have jumped onto discord to “communicate” feedback we are seeing less and less changes to Rogues and also less feedback communicated from the devs.

Just something to think about but I warned people about this. Do not call me chicken little!


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


yeah never understood this, imagine going to a non-blizzard product to provide feedback… forums should be everything for comms.