Rogues and RBGs

No disagreements there!

I can see where you’re coming from. I’m sure it sucks to play a class that you like and enjoy, but have it not be meta. That’s actually why I rolled rogue in the first place - usually there’s at least one viable spec.

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Add spectral sights that spawn on each rbg map

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Counter offer, any and every class is eligible to randomly be selected to be able to go into stealth like a rogue for the duration of the game

Lol. Would make some interesting situations.

Stealth is just so powerful. I don’t know what the tuning to it could be without breaking it entirely. Maybe bring back things like Faerie Fire?

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Remember when Hunters were the Rogue Hunters in Vanilla?

Make Hunter’s Mark immune to cloak.
Bring back the stealth pet detection.
Increase the radius of Flare to be greater than Sap Range.


I’m a wrath baby I didn’t play classic :frowning::frowning:. Would be a good change though.

The 3 things that I mentioned used to be in game.

A Hunter could sit in the Flag Room in WSG and make a Rogue or Druid just rage.


rouges r fine, ur just not good

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Male Human Paladin. Lol.


nah this seems like a l2p issue not sorry get better

don’t trinket sap

Ideally you’re spacing from the flag enough that they can’t simply sap and cap.

Although maybe that’s tricky if they’re venthyr or night fae.

What compels players as bad as you to always go here first? Did you even read the OP? Are you as bad at reading as you are at PvP?

This looks like a l2read issue not sorry.

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Not having stealth classes just utterly destroys the fundamentals of RBGs

Spectral sight already does this, it’s just so bad for the game.


It’s a l2p issue op clearly states to change their stealth mechanics . Rogues are fine .

Look, while I can understand that this is something you have heard from everyone you have ever played with and you got bullied into stopping PvP at some point, this dumb refrain you keep spewing doesn’t apply to this scenario.

I’m totally not shocked that you don’t understand this concept, but please just troll elsewhere.

That would be rogue, not “rouge.” Rouge is like make-up.


Randomly found this post and yeah rogues are pretty good in almost all content, but! I’ve seen many teams win rated battlegrounds above 2.2k rating without a rogue. Honestly, just having 10 players who know their own class well, that get along and work well together is what matters more in RBGs.

A ton of higher end rated RBGs teams run at least 2 disc priests and a lot of them even run 3. I’ve seen teams run 3 discs and 7 boomies, one that is able to swap bear if need be.

At higher RBG rating, rogues are good for sure but they can be replaced by any other good player with a class that can stealth. I’ve even seen hunters solo cap bases at 2.2k+ rating.

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yes ive played rated yes i go against rogues all the time dont be mad you are suffering from l2p issue bro

i mean i never got bullied so idk where you are pulling this from ?

Ironic coming from you.