Rogue too hard?

Is rogue too hard to play? It used to be simple with ambush backstab backstab backstab eviscerate dead. But now it seems you need a PhD and 15 fingers just to play it. It’s crazy how every class but rogue gets more and more simple over the years. I just can’t do it anymore :sob:

7x EU R1 hanging it up. RIP boys and girls (and nonbinaries) :headstone:


Don’t you dare leave us.


All jokes aside, rogue just requires way too many bindings/bars to play at a high level, which imo is the biggest thing that makes it difficult for average players.

It was probably one of the easiest specs to play optimally in pve until later expansions, but pvp wise, it’s a tough spec to excel with in arena unless it’s broken overtuned.

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There were no jokes to begin with…

kekw :stuck_out_tongue:


Those are called facts and being respectful of people’s life choices thank you very much :triumph:

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just curious, do you respect people that identify as DN?


I agree, make shadowstrike stun when off DR and eviscerate kidneyshot.

whenever you feel your roguesolve falter simply given this a listen again

Wow that was so inspirational! It inspired me to overcome this adversity and motivated me to be top rogue NA once again

Someone link the Wolf of Wallstreet I’m not going anywhere meme :wave:t2:


What a simpler time that was.

Rogue is not even close to the most binds.

Survival Hunter is probably the highest

Enhance and resto shaman and it’s not close.


I’ve never played enhance, resto, or survival (among other specs), so was just guessing. I always assumed druid required the absolute most due to different forms, but when I mention rogue, I’m also considering things such as focus garrote/cheap/kidney/disarm/gouge/sap/blind/tricks/etc. depending on how efficient you’re aiming to be, on top of stealth/shadowdance bar(s).

If ele sham is anything like enhance as far as bindings (I’ve played ele), while it has more distinct spells, most of those don’t require focus macros to be efficient (imo).

I may still be wrong, just my subjective perspective and my personal feeling that in order to play rogue efficiently and at a high level, all of those focus binds are necessary, and I don’t think any other class has that many control buttons to use where a focus macro is beneficial.

Of course one doesn’t “need” to have a focus macros for all of those abilities.