Rogue Thoughts : Wrong dosage edition

So apparently the pain meds they switched me to are significantly stronger than the last batch, which I had developed both a resistance and an allergy to, but they forgot to include this when deciding the dosage. Doc has given me a go home and stay there order, and since I have survived another day, against all odds and laws of nature, I’m gonna make it your problem.

So while I’m waiting for the walls to stop pulsing at me, here’s some rogue thoughts that popped into my head during the uncomfortably fluid power hour I’m having.

Forsaken delivery service with the catch-phrase “Fresh to the Living!”, aka Zombie Uber-Eats.

Tauren do not shed their horns. Highmountain shed their antlers. Nobody explained this either way and Baine came back from the Shadowlands to see Mayla without her perfect antlers and fainted on the spot because he thought somebody had torn her antlers out.

Elven ears are highly sensitive and can hear in ranges well above that of most other races. This is part of the reason for the old Elven superiority attitudes because every other race is too damn noisy and it gives the Elves migraines, since the noise and vibrations are transferred through the ear’s surface itself, not just the ear canal.

Orcs, Draenei, Worgen and Trolls can see in the dark with minimal light, far more than Humans or High Elves. Kaldorei and Dwarves can see in perfect darkness, the former due to being nocturnal and the latter due to being sub-terranian. You can see the eyeshine, or retroreflector, in Garrosh’s eyes during the Warbods of Dadnor opening cinematic, and many of the WoW novels depict the Draenei, Worgen, Trolls and Orcs as having superior night-vision to Humans and High Elves.

Junk food is a massive hit amongst the Horde because its cheap, quick and tastes great. Unlike with today’s junk food, the highly physical nature of most of the Horde means the excessive amounts of salt, fat and sugar is actually a boon to the races who consume it. Gnomes are working on their own version but are held back by scruples, while the Goblins’ version is purely a happy accident. Pandaren food carts are a common sight in Stormwind, Ironforge, Orgrimmar and Silvermoon City.

Arcwine may not have the power of the Nightwell within it, but it is still holding a minor arcane charge. Drinking a glass of Arcwine can energise a caster and allow them to recast a simple spell. A whole bottle can fully recharge a Mage. Sadly the alcohol content is extreme and drunk mages are a threat to everything around them. By dint of thousands of years of exposure to wine and fortified spirits, Shal’dorei can drink Dwarves and Pandaren under the table.

Dragons eat as much in Visage form as they do in Dragon form, and have spelled the financial doom of the buffet industry in Azeroth, much to their Queen’s chagrin and the despair of food halls everywhere. The lack of farms on the Dragon Isles is going to become a problem, very quickly, but the Merchants of the Alliance and Horde are quite happy to trade shiploads of food in exchange for baubles and magical items …

Jaina is Azeroth’s first confirmed scaly and she will polymorph you into a frog and leave you to the tender mercy of small children if you say it in ear shot. Her mother won’t stop bugging her about calling Kalecgos, however.

Taelia and Bolvar are having a father-daughter bonding trip across the Eastern Kingdoms and Kul’Tiras, and to do so, Bulvar’s had to discard a lot of his equipment and cover himself from head to toe to hide what he has become. This has had some hilariously unintended consequences as Bolvar’s presence unnerves natural animals not trained for war, and Taelia’s status as a Paladin, have intersected to speak of a bright young Knight and her cursed companion smiting bandits and cruel monsters across the land.

Westfall Stew has fallen off as a staple dish of the Eastern Kingdoms after the revelation that Murlocs were fully sapient became widespread. Die-hards refuse to give up on the dish and a black market of edible parts from sapient species has sprung up, including Makura claws and tails, dragon flanks, murloc eyes and fins and the like.

With the great number of deaths amongst the Horde and Alliance soldiers, there’s a lot of abandoned and failing farms and businesses, leading to a large government push to get folks back out to the land and producing food and raw goods for industry, which in turn has resulted in people being given whole plots of land, buildings and equipment for a pittance of its actual worth and given massive tax-breaks to help them start up. This could lead to a new generation of landed gentry that could actively push back against the Court of Nobles and even the military with the amount of wealth and influence they could come to wield in the local and national economies of the Alliance. Amongst the Horde, this could lead to, especially amongst the Orcs, Trolls and Tauren, a sudden surge of agriculture that might finally end the Horde’s food woes since all those people suddenly taking up farming is going to produce a lot of rice, grains, meat and vegetables.

Drust-blooded Kul’tirans are not a family bloodline thing, but irregular throwbacks, meaning a family can go for generations without one showing up, but it happens often enough that there’s still a sizeable population of Drust-blooded Kul’tirans at all times. That said, Drust-blooded Kul’tirans who build families together are far more likely to produce more Drust-blooded Kul’tirans, but they’re just as likely to produce normal Human offspring as well. Depending upon the region they find themselves in, the Drust-blooded can find wildly varying receptions, with the people of Stormsong treating them as mostly normal people, the people of Drustvar seeing them as terrible reminders of the darkness that lurks beneath every root and crevice, and the people of Tirigarde Sound seeing them as valuable soldiers and labourers above normal Humans, but otherwise treating them as normal Humans.