Rogue Thoughts: Kaldorei Warrior, Kaldorei Rogue, or Kaldorei Paladin?

With the Kaldorei Heritage Questline over and done with, I’m looking at the race and wondering if I should make yet another alt, and with Glaives now accessible to Kaldorei as 1-handed swords, and most of the Warfront Armors collected, I’m getting that manic itch again.

On the one hand, a Kaldorei Rogue RPing as a fledgling sentinel taking up the weapons of the fallen to avenge their people sounds like a suitably edgy character with room for growth and eventual smoothing of said edges. Alternatively, could be a run-away who took up the glaives and thinks that makes them Sentinel material, and is going to have to deal with a series of very harsh vibe checks as reality steps up to give them the long and short of it.

There’s also the same archetype, but as a Fury Warrior just whaaaaaaaaaaaaargable-ing and venting their PTSD on anything not seven foot tall and purple. Could also take this into a much older and world-weary version of the character who is staggering around after five years of peace and just can’t accept there’s peace now, because for the past decade+ of their life, there’s been nothing but unending apocalypses exploding in their faces.

And a Kaldorei Paladin of Elune who takes up the mantle and the glaive to stand as the ultimate bulwark against future assaults on their people. Also sounds appealing, and would be a very interesting blend of race and class, especially if they hunger for the power of the Night Warrior because they cannot accept Horde just gets to walk away after so much death and destruction.

Which would you pick?

Rogue. Always and forever forevermore. Its the best!

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my answer is yes

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I’m imagining a Kaldorei Paladin, sharpening their glaive, looking at this wide-eyed recruit and saying.

“We can’t expect Elune to do all the work.”


It’s criminal we don’t already have Nigh Elf Paladins in the game.


The big problem with rogue is that you have to go outlaw.

As a enjoyer of large salty violent night elves, I think the fury warrior is perfect though.

Kal’dorei Paladin using the night warrior eyes and Teldrassil scar customization, avenger of Elune mode. Faction PvP is 100% IC and canonically justified. Become ungovernable.

I saw this topic and read each class as ‘Kobold warrior, etc’.

I mean, the Niffen appear to be Kobolds mutated by the ‘leaks’ from Zaraleth Caverns and the Aberrus facility. Playable Kobolds might be possible.

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It took me until right this moment for it to click that Niffen are definitely related to Kobolds, thanks for this revelation.



Are the Niffen mutated Kobolds, or are the Kobolds mutated Niffen?

Curse of Flesh turned the Earthen into two distinct strains, the equally-intelligent Dwarves and the mentally stunted and deformed Troggs.

Niffen are just as intelligent as any Orc or Human and possess well-rounded social natures. Kobolds are barely sapient and half-feral at the best of times.



Reject Niffen. Return to Kobold.