Now, there’s a couple of things to process here before I shackle you to my deviant grey matter and throw us all into the moist, squirming recesses of my noggin.
- The Twisting Nether is a place of absolute chaos, where all manner of things exist simultaneously in a state of chaotic flux, and it is only the influence of a strong will that can turn that this chaotic mess into something solid, stable, and useful. This allows the Legion to basically assemble anything they need, simply by having enough powerful, strong-willed Demons in one place, thinking the same thing, resulting in them creating … basically any material they require, assuming they can pile enough consciousnesses together, get them focused on this one single thing, and keep them focused on it long enough to stay in that form until it can be imbued with the Fel or brought into the Material Plane (our level of reality) wherein it will literally ‘permanently’ solidify into that substance.
- While Blizzard is walking back a lot of the absolute nonsense brought up in Shadowlands about all souls being fused together after death , and that all souls are saved or damned based upon the actions of their version in the main (our) Reality/Timeline/Universe, but they still have not walked back the line
All realities, all dimensions are open to me!
from Prince Malchezaar in the original Kharazan raid, implying that the Twisting Nether is still, somehow, able to touch all the layers of reality, and all the alternate timelines.
- We’re told most Alternate Timelines will fade away on their own, but Nozdormu is also mostly restricted to Azeroth’s timeline, and fighting to keep Azeroth’s alternate version separate and distinct from the ‘One True Timeline’, yet in Dragonflight, we’re introduced to multiple Alternate Azeroths where the other Primal Powers have won, and yet since they’re not reality-warping demi-gods able to push us aside like nothing, we can assume there’s one thing that’s no carried across to every Timeline and Alternate Reality, and that’s Azeroth’s World Soul, hence why all the Primal Powers get so moist to twist it to serve them.
Now, hear me out as I put these three clues together.
We know that there’s Alternate Timelines that exist and have not simply faded away. Draenor still exists, albeit its temporal speed has vast accelerated, catching ‘up’ to us, and presumably will continue to advance even further, and faster, and that ties into my theory.
No matter how many times an Alternate Timeline or Reality is split off from the ‘main’ one that we occupy, no matter how the Primal Powers struggle and push and shove, the World Soul never transfers over to the new Timeline/Reality. Now, these Alternate Timelines are perfect breeding grounds to raise armies to attack the main timeline, as we saw with the Draenor Expansion, the Mag’har Recruitment Scenario and the Time Rifts leading to the alternate timelines that are thriving and show no signs of decay or falling apart, but their timelines are erratic. The Legion-one is set in, unsurprisingly, the aftermath of the Legion expansion, where the Demons won, while the Murloc one seems to be a mish-mashed hodge-podge of Cataclysm and Legion, given we help them fight Murloc Deathwing and then immediately after we fight Gil’dan in Wyrmrest Tower.
So, my theory is thus:
- All Alternate Timelines are doomed to fade away, inevitably, but that process could take thousands, or even millions, of years if the Primal Powers put their backs into propping the Alternate Reality up. Doing so is costly, but allows them to ‘farm’ souls for Anima, raise armies to either expand their forces in the Main Timeline or replace their losses, and to gain access to resources that they otherwise may not be able to safely access in the Main Timeline.
- Even with all the Alternate Timelines being propped up here and there, inevitably you’ll reach a point where you’re putting in more than what you’re getting out, and its easier to just let it go and fade away. But where do all these Alternate Realities fade into? The Twisting Nether itself, a place absolutely infested by the Fel, a Primal Force that, unlike every other one of its rivals, is purely consumptive. Death recycles things into Anima to feed itself and the other Primal Powers, Void makes you go crazy and grow tentacles out of strange places, the Light makes you believe in something and will empower you so long as you remain a fanatic towards this, the Arcane is just Super Maths and is used to order the Universe(s) to sustain the cycle of souls in and out of the material plane, and Life just pumps out life-forms to feed that cycle. Only the Fel consumes and gives back nothing.
- We’ve seen what happens where the Fel is allowed to leave its mark and the Legion has no interest in hanging around. We’ve read about it in books, specifically Illidan’s novel where he goes on an astral projection round-tour of the Legion’s previous conquests and finds whole worlds reduced to dead, sterile orbs drifting through space, with only a few garrisons of Demons left behind to keep watch, with not even bacteria in the oceans or lower life-forms crawling through the dirt and bones. The Fel consumes all other things to create more of itself, and will even consume the caster if they lack the will and the knowledge of how to safely call upon and channel the Fel. The Fel consumes and absorbs these Alternate Realities, effectively forming the function of a Cosmic Janitor, taking what does not live and thus cannot be turned into more Fel and turning it into matter to allow the Demons access to metals, landmasses and other useful items, and either kills or corrupts everything living, turning them into more fuel for the Fel or reshaping them into useful additions to the Demonic races of the Twisting Nether.
- The Shivarra state that their allegiance with Illidan is … complicated, while we see a great many of them have whipped the Legion into a religious frenzy around Sargeras himself, stating that he is, in fact, their ‘God’, which leads to the question, what happened to the Pantheon of the Fel? Did they consume each other for power as the slow starvation of the Primal Powers by Zoval and Denathrius in the Shadowlands gradually took affect, is there even a Pantheon of the Fel, or just one single Caretaker who uses the Shivarra, the Pit Fiends, the Moarg and the Wyrmtongues, all seem analogues to the entities we met in the Shadowlands. Pit Fiends are the equivalent of the great war-leaders of the Maldraxxus Houses, and the High Ones of the Smurfs from Bastion. Shivarra seem to be closer to a mixture of the religious fanaticism we found in Bastion and the fanatical followers of the Winter Queen in Ardenweald. Wyrmtongues seem to take the place of the Moist
TOwlets and the Dredgers from Bastion and Revendreth, being small, servile labourers that serve with little complaint, and the Moarg take the role of rank-and-file soldiers, siege weapons and combat engineers, again mimicking what we see in Maldraxxus, Bastion and Revendreth.
- If there is indeed a Fel Pantheon, they may be as fractious and divided as the Demons themselves, and Sargeras may actually have no merely united the Demons of the Twisting Nether and races from the Material Plane corrupted into Fel-infused mockeries of themselves, but he may have killed or conquered the Pantheon of the Fel and used the same Entropic Magic that he gained from Denathrius through the Dreadlord agents he ‘recruited’ to his Legion to bind these Titan-level entities and leave them weakened enough they had no option but to remain loyal, or at least subservient, to his cause.
So, to TL:DR this, the Fel consumes all living things, from bacteria all the way up to Titan-level entities, The Twisting Nether really does touch all realities and dimensions and thus is the ultimate fate of all Alternate Timelines, given enough ‘time’ for these Timelines to collapse in on themselves or decay to the point the boundaries between them and the Twisting Nether fade away to the point a Demonic incursion can just sweep across them unopposed, the Legion serves Sargeras with religious ferocity and zeal and he may have killed or subjugated their Pantheon, leading to him becoming the new ‘Highfather’ of their twisted, Darwinian-like Realm.
What are your thoughts?