Rogue Tank Bugs/Glitch

Rogue specific Bug/Glitch.

The new “Main Gauche”, so as “Blade Dance” spell animation will delays auto-attack. That is clearly NOT intentional.
Proof its a bug/glitch: you can “Animation Cancel” by using other spells.

“Main Gauche” and “Blade Dance” cool-down do not align with “Ghostly Strike”.
Reason it needs to change: Ghostly Strike is an old spell from vanilla wow, while the other 2 are NEW spells.
This is clearly a developer mistake. Cool-Down of all 3 spells needs to be align.

Rotation of Rogue Tank:
Defensive Spells > Filler Spells
All defensive spells from ROTATION should have similar cool-down.

I’ve noticed something like this as well with another rogue I’m leveling. They are Orc Female, and sometimes I’ll see their swing animation randomly slow down when Blade Dance is active.

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I’m having issues reading the OP post. Can you explain what he means? Is BD being up causing auto-attack delays?

Using the Spell; Triggers a roleplay animation.
The rogue raises both arms in the air. This cancels auto-attack.

You do zero “auto-attack”, and cancels “Start-attack”. This is clearly a bug/glitch.