Rogue - rotation keybinds Actionbar1

Assuming your Actionbar1 changes on stealth, which main rotation abilities do you keybind for `12345 between stealthed and unstealthed? Including modifiers please. I can’t figure out a setup that flows. I play Assassin but maybe Subtlety later on.

Keybinding really is more personal preference but I can share a little of my set up if it helps you get an idea. Goin through 1-5 liked you asked about:
1 eviscerate/envenom mod:shift cold blood (when playing assassin)
2 (no stealth/no dance) hemo mod:shift backstab - (stealth/dance) ambush mod:shift Hemo
3 kidney shot mod:shift slice n dice
4 (no stealth/no dance) gouge mod:shift @focus - (stealth/dance) garrote mod:shift @focus
5 (no stealth/no dance) stealth - (stealth/dance) cheap shot mod:shift @focus
Here are a few more of mine:
Q shiv
E kick
R dismantle mod:shift rupture
T blind
F shadow dance/vendetta/killing spree mod:shift blade flurry
Z smoke bomb
X feint
C cloak of shadows mod:shift recuperate

Currently as combat/sub:

Out of Stealth:
1 - Slice and Dice
2 - Evis
3 - Revealing Strike (Hemo as sub)
4 - Sinister strike (Backstab as sub)
5 - Kidneyshot
6 - Shiv

In stealth:
1 - Auto target Sap macro
2 - Evis
3 - Revealing strike (Ambush as sub)
4 - Sinister Strike (Backstab as sub)
5 - Cheapshot
6 - Garrote

All other binds:

~ (tilde) is spammable stealth (shift modifier to break stealth manually)
Alt + ~ (tilde) = Dismantle
Alt + E = Gouge
Alt + 1 = Distract
Alt + 2 = Engi gloves
Alt + 3 = Feint
V = Kick
Shift + B = Kick focus target macro
Shift + V = Redirect
Shift + C = Adrenaline Rush
Shift + G = Blade Flurry
Shift + F = FoK
Shift + E = Killing Spree
Shift + 1 = Sprint
Shift + 2 = Engi rocket boots
Shift + 3 = Recuperate
T = Smoke bomb
E = Start attack macro + cast reposte (left over from vanilla/tbc) but still good to have
Q = Vanish
G = Rupture
R = Combat Readiness
F = Shoot, but as expansions go on it becomes my Shadowstep/Mobility gap closer.
F1 = Racial 1
F2 = Cloak of Shadows
F3 = Blind
F4 = Evasion
F5 = Racial 2

Mouse Buttons
MB Scroll Wheel click = Auto run
MB 4 = Mouse over blind macro
MB 5 = Mount
MB 6 = Tricks of the Trade mouse over macro

Don’t let your bars autoflip; it can bug out in every version of the game, probably caused by fluctuations in latency. Get one of the many action bar addons, they’re all pretty good, widely used, any potential problems and fixes extremely well documented. There’s no reason not to bind every bar separately. An easy way to use modifiers is to remap ctrl, alt, and shift to something else. Maybe 3 buttons on the left side of a gaming mouse. For example pressing ctrl-Q might be difficult with just your left hand on a keyboard, but a little pressure using your right thumb on a mouse side button + Q with your left hand on keyboard is very low effort.

This gives you hundreds more accessible keybind combinations. If Q is step-kick target macro, you can easily have one macro that step-kicks arena1 with mouse sidebutton1, arena2 with side button2, arena3 with sidebutton3 etc. You can extend this to any ability or macro, or you can bind them all separately to whatever you want. The point is you will never run out of real estate even on classes with way more buttons than rogue, which is one of, if not the least real estate intensive. There’s no reason to cram all your abilities onto 5 keyboard keys.