Rogue / Ret / Resto Sham LF Weekday Raiding Guild EST

Rogue / Ret / Resto Sham LF Weekday Raiding Guild EST

Looking for a serious guild that raids Weekdays East Coast Time Zone

Willing to server transfer if needed

Hello, if you are interested please check us out.

Hey Don’t,

We’re in need of some solid dps and a resto shaman we raid weekdays Wed / Fri 10am - 1pm MDT and our float alt raid is Monday. Below is our guild recruitment post along with a way to contact me if you’re interested. Talk soon.

Hey Dontrumpo!
My guild, Paragons of Pride, is a super chill place with a few raid teams (Tues/Thurs raiding) and a growing group of M+ players. If you are interested and want to chat about it more, just add me on battlenet or discord

MrSmash1993#1531 (BNET)
cerundion (discord)

Btw no need to transfer anymore you can join guilds cross realm.

Yeah I just noticed that they made mythic cross realm.

Thank you :slight_smile: