Rogue Pirate Transmog

I’m going to make a Vulpera Rogue with a Pirate Transmog, except I didn’t play at all during Legion and I missed the mage tower transmogs completely. I think outlaw got some rapiers from the mage tower, correct? (Were there any other pirate transmogs from mage tower?)

Are there any other rapiers or cutlasses that are similar to the rapiers from the mage tower?

Also, does anyone have any suggestions for transmogs that would go well with a Vulpera pirate rogue?

Well the only other rapier-type weapon appearances available right now are the old vanilla models.

I would say that for cutlasses, there’s a number of low-level vanilla model cutlass appearances, the Legion Outlaw artifact appearances, and there’s also the Kul Tiran cutlasses as well. Freeport Falchion (which is actually a cutlass, NOT a falchion) is acquired by completing the Drustvar quest near Anyport called Out With the Old Boss as a character who can equip one handed swords.

I kind of like my look with the pocket knife for my off hand. It makes me look like the classic sword/ dagger combo

I named this transmog “Defias Pirate” and unfortunately the blades aren’t available anymore. But there is a low level green rapier “Defias Rapier” that drops from the deadmines watchmen.

Peep my mog