These are my 2 choices for mains next patch, since I’ve not had a main this entire expansion. I want fast paced, unforgiving, and brings utility. don’t care about numbers. Just want to have fun. I like Rogues idea of being speedy and unforgiving, but also like Warlocks for the class fantasy(and I’ve played it since 5.2, so it holds a place in my heart).
Rogue are OP at the moment, the 3 specs are at the top, warlocks are at the bottom.
I’m aware. I said I don’t care about numbers. I get KSM/AOTC each tier and then PvP. Don’t care about min-maxing.
your choice then, you want to be invited or rejected to groups, you may not care about numbers but other players will do care.
Rogue seems like your choice.
This is a rogue. There’s nothing about a warlock that is fast-paced.
do you like being ranged or melee?
I have a guild who I play with. They want my lock, but I’m on the fence.
Also, we don’t care who plays what or what covenant you are not everyone wants/cares about meta/being the best love <3
Do you only run with your guild or do you pug? If I was pugging a lot I’d go rogue. If I had the comfort of being able to do everything in guild I’d stick with what the guild wants.
I pug keys, but refuse to pug raids.
I never understand these types of questions… like a rogue and a warlock are almost complete opposite play styles and nobody can tell you what you would rather play lmao. You’re either purely a caster or purely a melee dps, a strangers opinion on the internet of what you like more is really the game changer for you?
I disagree. At least as far as pugging. The Rogue life can be rough. Melee is crowded as it is.
Meanwhile, you see Heroic groups listed that say “will carry an ilvl 200 warlock just for summons!”
I played my Rogue since Vanilla, and I have fun with him. But my Warlock gets invited pretty quick, and groups want them for their utility.
Oh, never mind. I was mostly talking about Pug Raids.
Lock, because even Rogues pick locks.
Yes, it helped me decide last expansion to stay warrior. I don’t care about melee or ranged, I’ve played Warrior and Warlock forever. I like both melee and ranged.
If I had to choose between my assassination rogue and my demo warlock, I’d go with my warlock for sure.
sometimes other people’s point of view or way of wording something can help put some things in place for you to help you make the final decision. Crazy, I know. >.>
I just leveled a rogue as assassination and had an amazing experience doing it. I kind of regret not trying sub on the way. I’m meh on outlaw.
but yeah, assassination was just crazy fun
I play a destruction warlock and I play a rogue. I do not M+, Pvp, or Raid. With that said, this expansion the warlock was much easier to play, more fun, and versatile than the rogue.
Rogues are fun though.