Amazing. Even a raid buff can’t guarantee rogue a raid spot. Looking forward to class tuning where they’ll nerf rogue again unnecessarily and maybe buff fire mage for good measure.
You got anything else to provide besides the senseless babbling?
Maybe you should ask yourself the same question before replying.
You didnt provide anything worthy of an actual response or discussion and made the post on a level 10 Shaman.
It’s a rant. My point was rogue got little to no attention this patch cycle, was riddled with bugs, even caught a nerf, and now is the only class not in the raid comp on a rwf prog fight.
Also if you don’t think something is worthy of a response, you can just y’know, not respond.
Welcome to the existence of being a rogue. I’ve been maining outlaw, rain or shine, since Shadowlands, and it’s par for the course that half the class gets dumpstered for multiple patches.
Our class dev hates having to actually do any work, and just ignores needed changes until we fall far enough to have to do some pity buffs to compensate.
I mean, Outlaw is currently unplayable in keys on the high end solely because the target cap that they are too obtuse to remove the limit on, even as a soft cap. So, it’s just par for the course that we’re in the state we’re in until someone in leadership realizes the class needs some major attention, as the only class that hasn’t seen an overhaul this xpac.
Adding this to the initial post woulda helped.
According to the current logged raid statistics, rogues make up 3 of the top 4 specs in LoU Mythic.
- Assassination
- Havoc
- Subtelty
- Outlaw
dont bring logic here. op just wants to scream abot his wrong point
I can cherry pick logs also, just check mythic cauldron.
The fact is a pure dps class (with a raid buff even) wasn’t brought on a rwf boss, and now Echo isn’t running one on Sprocketmonger prog either. That should raise some flags, no? But I get it, if you’re not a rogue player you probably won’t be as invested so won’t care.
Says the Shaman.
Believe it or not, most of us play the damn class for ourselves, not because RWF people are using the class on fights.
The concept of number padding also eludes people who never raided or played competitively, as people do that on purpose so they can snipe/join other high ranking guilds with fake numbers, as all they did the entire time was ignore mechanics to pad numbers.
Middle management devs failing to consider painfully simple things like this is why things don’t get done - imagine corporations listening to other corporations who are also screwing things up with confounded statistics, and people misinterpreting it because they never passed a math class.
99% of guilds haven’t even realized this yet but Atrophic doesn’t even work against every boss ability and only applies to abilities casted by the boss themselves. People thinking that atrophic = devo aura is kinda rogues saving grace.