Rogue needs Backstab / cutthroat rune nerf in PVP!

Will we see any nerfs to rogues backstab/ambush/cutthroat rune? spamming 1k+ crits that only cost 30 energy, and the rogue doesn’t even need to position behind their target is pretty crazy. Considering all this they also do this while you’re stunned for 10 seconds. I’m surprised this hasn’t been addressed yet with slight nerfs going out to other classes. Rogues have always been broken in PVP, but currently they feel terrible to play against, and they are just too easy to play in PVP right now.
There is no real counterplay unless you’re a prot warrior / meta lock / druid in bear or moonkin form, all other classes are pretty much 100-0 in a full stun combo / blind; sap reset (this is even true in BGs with the health buffs), and it’s even worse in PVE where you have a very low health pool.
Thoughts on removing “no longer need to be behind the target” or make it PVE only? Additionally, a 10%/15%/20% damage nerf in PVP only, and damage is unchanged in PVE.


get more health.

Cutthroat was a mistake and everyone - EVERYONE - that isnt a a Rogue player knows it.


They can’t figure out how to make sword dps fun and worth it but they can make multiple dagger specs that are stupidly op then even troll the rogues by putting dot procs on every dagger that break your cc

The classic wow devs are such clowns lol

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bruh you’re playing a shaman

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News flash real rogue mains don’t even like it. Only amateur rogues/reroller rogues/people who barely touch or understand rogue.

For us vets, it’s a really unfun rune. We don’t get to spend time planning or playing the CD game anymore. It made the sleekest playstyle for rogue into adhd brain button smasher. It seems more fitted for warrior players, but here we are with runes that make the playstyle braindead.

True vet rogues also hate mut/env in vanilla. It was a solution to daggers in wotlk. It did not need be the solution for vanilla, in fact, it’s the biggest sigh of disappointment when we were forced to play 1,2,3 assassin again like we already didn’t play it through 7 expansions.

Then our combat runes are pseudo-forced outlaw rogue. Lmfao. I hate outlaw with a passion.

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30 energy frontstabs is so much fun it should be baseline in every expansion

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No they do not lol

The dmg reductions are direct nerfs to rogues who are reliant on CDS

Kinda dumb actually; good rogues don’t need such pitiful training wheels. Tons of backstab rogues that I rate as very dangerous and on cloth I know they can crit for around 1700 without all the BS runes and crap.

News flash, front stab build is IDENTICAL to hemo pvp build from OG.

The only difference is this build hits like a truck, but ALL builds hit hard asf in sod so its fine

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Hemo doesnt get a dirt cheap and easily accessible +30% crit chance. Hemo also costs 5 more energy.

The ENTIRE POINT of backstab was balancing the insane damage potential it has against the combination of high energy cost and positional requirement.

Cutthroat + Slaughter from the Shadows remove both. You can get +30% crit on backstab real shallow in Combat and still get Seal Fate. So now you are getting 2 CP 50%+ of the time and critting for 1k or more on as 1s CD. And this can be sustained for 9 straight globals through the use of Thistle Tea and an Energy Timer.

Cutthroat + Slaughter Backstab spam is as OP as people cry that Shaman/Paladins are. Ive literally just been walked down by Rogues standing right in front of me not trying to do anything just Backstabbing me in the face with Evasion up. Ive watched Rogues mulch Rets and Hunters without even trying to avoid traps or go for Restealths. Ive watched Moonkins and Bears get absolutely ragdolled by it. SPriests melt like a stick of butter under a blowtorch. DEMO LOCKS fall apart under it.

You can literally be Patrick Starfish and kill anyone by RP walking at them spamming Backstab. No finishers required. Ambush Backstab Backstab(energy tick) Backstab Tea Backstab Backstab (energy tick) Backstab Backstab (and heres where Renataki’s is about to get added too btw for 2 more backstabs).

All of the tears on this thread are delicious.


You see the difference here is hemo is for 1hers while at the same time sub still offered a dagger playstyle that differed(whether passively and actively) than assassin daggers or combat daggers. Here in sod we have devs who haven’t touched hemo at all. Whether it to be a main cp generator or a support ability through a rune, we haven’t seen yet which shows how out of touch sod devs are with rogue design.

So whether this was supposed to replace hemo is besides the point. If this was the case then they are incompetent for not making hemo do something. Assassination is also supposed to be the finisher spec in vanilla which would have been more interesting if this was the focus of sin when comparing different ways to play daggers. A focus on finishers for sin, a focus on openers and evasive playstyle for sub, and a focus on different generators for combat would have been a much more appealing approach for people who respect vanilla rogue talent tree purposes.

Anyone proud to be playing Cutthroat+Slaughter right now is getting the only taste of success they will ever have. SoD is temporary. Youre bad forever.

Why would you use any finisher but between the eyes when you can just BS again for 30 energy and do more damage then your CP finishers?

That said you are not walking down any hunter that has action bars on his screen.

Shadow Priests though…those poor bastards get put in a woodchipper.

Remembering your delicious tears is forever.

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The fact it’s bursty actually makes it kinda the opposite of the hemo build

But you do tell us all constantly how bad you are at pvp so I get why you don’t understand how rogues are so blatantly op in SoD lol

lol no rogue just walks at me spamming back stab and kills me.

Lol yall are wild for takes like this. I will destroy a rogue doing that

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