Rogue Legion Class Hall Broken

Unfortunately even the Argus workaround only seems to work if you’ve done this before on a previous character and unlocked that stuff. I have access but my husband doesn’t. I think it may be tied into whether or not you can access world quests and other Legion end-game content.


Please keep on bumping this thread. We need Blizzard to acknowledge this.

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hope the fix will arrive soon, i just wanted to go in and buy the rest of the outfit i didnt ever purchase.

I too have experienced this.

Both on my max level rogue, and on a low level rogue that I tried to level through Legion.

Bumping this. I also opened a support ticket in game and referenced this thread. This bug is super annoying and also has really prevented progression on my rogue. Please fix this soon. It has now been nearly 3 weeks.

Bumping all of these rogue class hall bug reports…also, still waiting on support to reply to my open ticket to get their response on this issue. Once I have a reply, I will post here so everyone else can see what they say…

Still an issue. Still no acceptable response from Blizzard. On my ticket, when pointing out this issue, response Blizzard gave was, and I quote “Customer Support does not provide game hints or restore items, currencies, or progress lost due to bugs.” as if that was even what we were asking for. They ignore bug reports, they ignore tickets.

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Well…it has now been over 48 hours and I still have 0 response from my open support ticket. My hunch is that they just won’t fix it and let it fix itself once expansion launches and pre-patch event goes away. They will just delay until then.

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lol But will they mention in the launch patch notes “fixed rogue class order hall in Legion Dalaran” when they “let it fix itself”? That’s the real question. :stuck_out_tongue:

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This still seems to be an issue today, why isn’t Blizzard acknowledging this bug or attempting a fix?

same thing is happening to me when i tried going into it and blizzard still needs to fix this soon

I found this on the EU forums:

The number of times I wish I could reply to an EU forum and can’t. Seems kinda dumb imo. I feel like I see so many more blue posts helping on their forums.

Glad that someone can at least acknowledge they have heard us, though I’m still not holding my breath that we’ll get any resolution before the xpac drops. :frowning:


I think you only need an EU trial account and a char at lvl 10 to post on the EU forums. At least it works the other way round. Look at me, posting from the EU. :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s fix bois!
No phasing issues


Seriously? I do want to level in Legion. Please let this be so.