Rogue Legion Class Hall Broken

My level 13 rogue went to Chromie to phase into the Legion time zone. I picked up the Legion Introductory Quest from Holgar. Then I had to abandon it because none of the quest objectives were in the world. After skipping the intro, my level 13 rogue entered Dalaran; receiving the hearthstone. Next, met by Ravenholdt, I picked up the quest to read a note, then was prompted to see RED, where I selected the secret phrase. I went through the secret door. I then turned into a translucent yellow plate-wearing male human. I proceeded through the secret passage. I was able to go part way through but no further because an invisible barrier stopped me.

it sucks cause Legion is one of the best leveling zones, and Rogue is an awesome class to play and thereā€™s so much lore there.
Hoping its fixed on Tuesday. If not, we just need to keep being vocal.

How? I enter the sewer, turn orange, and Griftah is not there with the coin turn-in quest.

Oh, youā€™re right. Itā€™s just Alā€™Abas whoā€™s there. Thought Griftah was there as well.

Care to share how you were able to turn in coins? :slight_smile:

There are 2 ways:

  1. Go from Everywhen Inn from Thaldrazus. The portal there will take you to the area where you can turn in your coins.
  2. Fly around South West Dalaran, behind Greyfang Enclave. Locate Greyfang Enclave on your big map. You will see a green mass, then a brown mass, like at the very border of the city. Fly around there, and you will find a sewer entrance. It takes you right into the Class Hall and close to Marin, so you can turn in your coin.

Hope this helps!

We may be talking about different coins. Iā€™m referring to the weekly Griftah quest turning in Coins of Air. Using either of your methods still results in no Griftah. So sadly it appears thereā€™s no way to do this until they fix the bug.

Same issue with me on my rogue. Turned into a gold male human, no mission board, not able to move much because of the invisible walls. No NPC to do the weekly quest. Iā€™ve always used the door up the stairs at the Blacksmith shop to get in. You can still do that if you still have the token.

They removed Black Market vendor at one expansion, now this one they are totally ripping
our class hall to shreds. Hmmm, no other class hall has any problems. I wonder what issues
they have with legion rogues?

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Ah yeah, I thought you meant Marinā€™s coins. The NPC for air is indeed gone :frowning:

i tried today and the bug still

Entered today, is still bugged.

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Still broken

I ve the same issue with a gift from the six on my warlock. The NPC is not in the citadel his icon on the map is there. I guess itā€™s Khandar but heā€™s busy giving the quest in another phase for the prepatch eventā€¦ Legion was my favorite relaxing moment for me, I was leveling all classes, all specs in Legion and they totally borked it. Itā€™s like another phase is stuck there.

Is the order hall still non-functional?

Yea, no word from Blizzard yet

still not functional.

its been 2 weeks and its still broken? lol what are they doing?

Not that another voice is needed after this many posts, but yeah, still broken and still a problem. Legion is my old stomping grounds and my husband never played it, so we were going to do some while waiting for TWW. Unfortunately, he plays a rogue, so now he canā€™t advance his order hall at all, canā€™t do missions, canā€™t select which zone to quest in.

We already had the Azsuna vector from eons ago when we first unlocked the Dalaran hearthstone for the convenience of it, so we went ahead and have done almost all of those quests. Weā€™re about to get vectored to the next zone and Iā€™m worried itā€™ll be a hard-stop since he canā€™t get the vector from the mission table.

But even if he can, it still remains a massive progression blocker that he canā€™t finish the class quests and canā€™t do missions.


Broken still as of 8/7/2024

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Still broken today.
You can still access the mission table from Argus so I did some missions and got a vault ticket which is what I wanted for the keys from the vault.
I have the quest ā€œA ticket for Marinā€ and can enter his area from the cheese shop or the sewer but walking up to him does nothing and the quest is still in incomplete state.
This is really frustrating.