Rogue just did 8,500 dmg to me in a single stun lock rotation...In Shadowform with R13 gear

I’m R13 fully geared and ZG enchanted sitting around 6.7k hp self buffed, with 15% reduced dmg from Shadowform and Inner Fire. I had a PW:Shield on me before he opened and my PvP Trinket was down, so he was able to do 8,500 dmg before I could do anything. A teeny bit too much dmg :laughing:


how come you didnt use your LAP button

Didn’t have any on me, I had LiPs and was hoping I would get 1 global to use it. I guess wrong :slight_smile: They are also over 2.5x more expensive than LiPs :frowning:

No dispersion?

I like Void Plague too much, and I’m paying for it :frowning: Problem is we only have 1 instant dot available to us and as soon as I try and cast I get kicked, pummeled, CS, etc. So having 2 instant dots to apply pressure is good before the CC. I live for 6 seconds longer in dispersion but end up in the same position with the dude only taking 2 ticks from a single dot. :man_shrugging:

Dispersion is very strong against rogues, maybe give it a try!

Priest armor is pretty much all negated by our expose armor turned poison, subtracts 2550 armor if talented for improve expose armor.

yeahhh, the trinket really could use a 2 min cd. I’m curious, was it in one cheap shot kidney shot combo? Or was it a blind sap cheap shot kidney shot in addition to that? Dwarf really pays off for the latter since you can stone form the blind.

I REALLY hated that change. There is no way that void plague should be in that same category as dispersion / pain suppression. It was just a way for them to take back extra damage they had given them, and it felt dirty.

You should be able to get a second priest racial, and can grab either devouring plague (3 min cd though), or the troll racial that gives you like, a shadow shield version of shaman’s lightning shield that can proc blackout stun. Also comes with a 20% healing reduction ability.

This is the sad reality of dispersion. Rogues can just wait it out and restun, or blind it sap it and reopen again. Unfortunately priests aren’t in a great position to battle rogues who get an opener on them.

Looks better than it ends up being sadly, assuming rogues hold their stun and damage when they see it.

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i’m assuming this was in the open world? i have had rogues open on me in bgs and its relatively fine, though i also play with dispersion in bgs, when i haven’t had it up they haven’t completely demolished me

open world pvp seems to be a total mess

Main culprit is the armor pen poison. It’s like a 30% damage buff on a single stacking poison. Ridiculous. What used to cost 5 combo points now just procs for free.


Agree they need to be nerfed. Flat 40 ish % dmg reduction and maybe then it will be ok. Who knows it might need more. Also press dispersion and stop griefing the team with void plague. Hope you have a great day Smiteth :people_hugging:


getting nerfed



Unfortunately just comes down to having LAPs, a lot of them panic and fart uncontrollably when they realize you’re stun immune.


I’m sure the rogue was full BiS then

Rogues with 1 min cd vanish are ruining pvp.

Paladins with 12 seconds of immunity while doing full damage are ruining pvp.

Druids with starfall spam and dots that do more than shadow priests and warlocks are ruining pvp.

How have none of these things been addressed by the incompetent developers?


This is the change where I began to hate the devs. Priests constantly get hit with nuclear nerfs and other classes get to completely dominate the meta for months and still have not been addressed.



And give warriors death grip for free, not even as a glyph lol.

It’d honestly surprise me if people were even using the 6 set. Prep normally does the job just fine for cds, and you could get a guaranteed crit out of ambush with 4 set blood fang 5/5 zg set. Maybe for mut rogues that’d be good though since they don’t grab prep.


I think the big problem here are the druid set bonuses. Cutting the cd in half is wild, then giving it a damage and range boost… crazyiness.

PvP isn’t balanced around 1v1s. Rogues have always been strong there, but become far less useful in larger fights.

If you had no defensives or trinkets and lost 1v1 to a rogue, then that’s by design.


So it took the rogue 8-10 secs to do 8.5k dmg to you whereas Boomkins do it in 4 secs? As do hunters and paladins.

Buff rogues imo.

Nerf Stun/Cc time, Buff there Pvp burs damage, nerf there sustane damage so there not too good in Pve.

Yir seems easy.

or just nerf there cc and nerf boomis XD and lets take hunters to when we there.
yir what the hack nerf paladins and Shaman. (yir sorry you 2 are just the flever of SoD to hate on)

if you think that’s crazy you should see how much damage the average ret paladin does. 11k hp gone in a single hoj, speaking from experience. There’s not 1 single class in the game that beats a paladin with trinket down. Only thing that came close was shamans pre nerfs.

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