"Rogue" is not a real class

I am not changing to an inferior class for something that Survival Hunters already do.

Rogue: 3 specs all dps
mage: 3 specs all dps
warlock: 3 specs all dps

They are all the same? Not even close. You can’t lump all of those under 1 umbrella. All 3 rogue specs aren’t stabby mcstab 24/7.

I’m fairly certain Assassin is dots/bleeds
Outlaw is more swords/maces/fist weapons with an occasional axe than it is stabby mcstab
Sub is all shadow stab with essence of ninja

just like mage and warlock specs are vastly different.

Am I missing anything?

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During Legion they did try to give Rogues identities:
Assassin Rogue = Thief
Outlaw Rogue = Fighter/Thief
Subtlety Rogue = Magic-user/Thief

Unfortunately, they couldn’t stick the landing with Subtlety so, sadly, they scrapped the identities altogether.

Warriors literally just whack things with an object.

The OP pretty much got destroyed here, very underrated comment :ok_hand:

Feels pretty real to me…

Druid isn’t a real class. Every spec they have is a copy from a real class’s spec. Including the poor rogues.

They have so little, but you stole it anyway. :weary:

No - that was the end. That is where Rogue went to die

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I love the rogue in WoW, it’s one of my favorite classes ever actually. I think you might be looking far too deep into this.

I honestly don’t know what the difference between arms and fury is thematically. Like are fury warriors just more ragers than other warriors?

I mean…mage, warlock, priest, and evoker are all just cast spells. Could simplify them all down to a single spec.

Rogue is the least played class because it requires you to pick up a coke addiction to play it and that :poop: aint cheap. Jokes aside, I have no idea wtf you’re talking about, but it’s not the least played class for that reason…

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My singular most hated change they have ever done in this game.

That reason is not stab. I believe that reason is because of their hyper-focus on “increasing skill expression” which roughly translate to making the specs overcomplicated.

Such as changing combat to outlaw… more complicated to play.

Rogue doesn’t have any simple specs which tend to be among the most popular such as BM hunter and Ret Pally.

This explains it pretty well. I mained rogue back in Pandaria and had an amazing time, but over time every spec just became more and more complicated because I guess assassination was way too simple and needed to be amped up…even though subtlety was right there for all their 4D chess needs and has been a perfectly viable endgame spec since Cata…

Now I just look at my rogue and can’t even be bothered to log in and try to level it, with subtlety and outlaw being so complicated in the most boring way, and assassination being probably the biggest meme to try and level with

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I wanted to try learning rogue for PvP, I looked at the rotation in the PvP section on Wowhead for Sub (I think) and decided maybe I should just stick to the classes I know.

I want to be the stealthy jerk in PvP for once though. :slightly_frowning_face:

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I thought dk is the least class played outside of the obv race restricted DH and Evoker.