Rogue gear/stats

its been a long time since playing… recently been gearing my rogue and i am feeling like a noob again… I have been gearing up with mythic + gear getting ready for TWW… haven’t really played since wrath and i am way out of touch with the current status of the game when it comes to mechanics and stats etc. a lot of my gear i have been getting has int on it but is greyed out as its not a stat we use clearly… the gear has agi and other useful stats… should i be worried about this since there technically is int on there or is it normal with how the game is now where there is an unneeded stat for most characters and that stat is “disabled” and they other useful stats take precedent?

I am not even sure if what I am trying to say makes sense haha…

I think you’re just describing gear that changes to int or agi that changes based on the class you’re playing, no?

I suppose so. I don’t recall this being a thing when I stopped playing so it freaked me out a bit

Most armor and many weapons have all of the primary stats on them equally, with trinkets being the only common exception and even then they often pair str/agi together for melee classes.

I figure they just kinda decided it wasn’t worth splitting out stuff like Int leather that could potentially be useless if you didn’t have a Resto Druid for example.


This was a change from several expansions ago. Maybe MoP or Cataclysm. Its purpose was to simplify loot tables and to make it easier to gear for off specs. For example: A druid can use the same gear for a healing spec as they do for a tank spec. The stats change automatically based on the spec, eliminating the need to acquire and carry multiple gear sets.