Rogue - Deathstalkers Mark not always applying - Action Targeting related bug

Using it from stealth with ambush on sin rogue. It applies to an enemy or 2 then after that it doesnt work once or twice then it starts applying again. Its totally random when it works and doesnt work.

I am talented for it and am using it from stealth via ambush.

EDIT - I just figured it out. Its not applying when the enemy isnt targeted aka the ACTIVE target and Im relying on the action targeting to attack. So if I still have a dead enemy targeted and I sneak up and attack another enemy without changing to that one as my main target it doesnt apply.

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Same here. For someone who uses mouseover cast, this is very inconvenient. I hope this gets fixed ASAP.

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Yeh multiple post about it now and Ive made a couple and still not fixed. Its a core part of the Rogue rotation for deathstalker and half the time it doesnt work if you are fighting mobs or one after another pulls.