Rogue - Dagger/Mutilate or Sword/Sabre Slash - Assas or combat?

So I never played a rogue before and this is sort of a trailer alt to tinker with. Which is better to level?

Assassination with Mutilate or Combat with Sabre slash?

Don’t care about PVP or raiding with this guy

mutilate assassination. damage is front loaded and smash your face into the keyboard easy to play.

Go saber slash early for leveling until you pick up the deadly brew rune. Once you have that you can swap to mutilate.

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You have build up three stacks before saber slash does anywhere near as much damage as mutilate and enemies in the open world don’t last very long. There’s no real upside unless you find an enemy that is immune to poison but not immune to bleeds

Mutilate nothing else is viable

Mutilate just got nerfed. Might want to rethink that statement.

To answer the op, you have options in phase 4, but if you are raiding mutilate will probably still win out because your raid team will want maximum occult poison up time. The only real way to do that is to run the deadly brew rune on your chest and use mutilate. It is possible a backstab build could come close with the lower energy in phase 4, but mutilate will almost always get 5 poisons up faster due to proccing off both hands for the attack. All that said, with the change to poison knife now essentially making it a free attack it might be possible to get the poisons up quickly enough.

I am not sure where the theory craft has landed on rogues with the new changes to slaughter from the shadows and the hand rune. I heard the output might be higher in a vacuum for that style over a poison based mutilate approach, but unless it has a way to get occult up quickly and sustain it, I am not sure the individual damage will trump the overall utility.