Rogue class is broken

Rogue’s have the ability “sinister strike” but as we all know “sinister” means “left handed” so the attack should use the offhand weapon - OR - the ability should be renamed to “dexter strike”

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as a left hander…I’d second this.

Right hand being always main hand…is rightist. down with the rightriarchy!


You’re TWO full decades late on this observation

is that not the purpose of the classic forums?


what do you mean the left weapon slot is the main hand slot

So basically Sinister Strike and Main Gauche are the same thing…

Warrior cope for losing to rogues in PVP.

Okay, Ned Flanders.

Truly, you have a dizzying intellect.

Yup, but watch which hand on your character the weapon appears in.

I think the only possible fix for rogues is to allow space goats to be rogues. Space goats fix everything. Well, except for that one time where a few of them went rogue (pun intended), joined the Burning Legion and invaded a world or two. But other than that, space goats fix everything.

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And here we are. The guy who insists on adding races from later DLCs. Will this nonsense never end?

It was a joke. I thought it pretty obvious but I guess I need to add a disclaimer before everything I say.

I know it was a joke. Wait. Were space goats added in a WoW DLC? I would totally play a space goat rogue if they add them.

Let’s just wipe the slate clean and have a civil discussion.

Real talk, no I’m not actually advocating that Blizzard allows draenai to be rogues. Now, I am absolutely not going to sit here and lie to you and say that if they for some crazy reason did make such a change that I would be up in arms in protest against it but it’s definitely not something I would advocate for. If I were to explore other class options for draenai in TBC/WotLK I would only consider warlocks because unless I am completely forgetting their lore, I believe they have the aptitude for it and some (eredar - what they were called prior to rebranding themselves as draenai) did dabble in demonic (warlock) magic. So it isn’t that they can’t do it so much as they simply don’t do it.

Can you imagine something with hooves that can cut glass (per the female draenai at least) trying to sneak around? Space goat druids would be absolutely bizarre. A bear with hooves? A cat with hooves? A mutated walrus with hooves instead of flippers? What the heck would swift flight form look like?

It might be interesting to see on a “What If?” sort of server for comedic purposes if nothing else but as much as I love me some space goats, I can make myself tolerate having to play a human warlock (because I don’t do gnome) and a night elf druid/rogue.

The only use of the forums is to point out where they deviated from Vanilla.

Anything auxiliary to that just meh.

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they announce that in patch notes

Get southpawed, nerd!

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I agree, the rogue class is perfect!

Oh. Space goats = Draenai. Sorry, didn’t know that space goats was a euphemism for Draenai. Well, I totally screwed that whole convo up. Many, it’s been forever since I played a Draenai. I defer to experts on this and I’ll just shut up now.