[Rogue] Best leveling Spec? I know, from common sense, that Sub is for PvP

So I am between Combat and Assa, although I went for Assa. But I can switch, of course.

I was ewcently watching a Tier List of all specs from a guy whose YouTube and streaming speciality is recording world record levelling times.


I have teed it up to the Rogue section.

He has very bad words to say about all Rogue specs for levelling (and I’ll drink to that!) but the TL;DR of his assessment

Sub > Assa >>>>> Outlaw

P.S. I see Icy veins agrees:


Out of all three Rogue specs, we recommend Subtlety as the best choice for leveling. It offers the best single-target burst damage and allows you to dispatch enemies within only a few seconds, jumping from enemy to enemy in quick succession. It also has the best self-healing toolkit out of all the Rogue specs, so you do not have to take a break to sit down and regenerate your health as often. While its AoE damage is not quite as good as that of the other specs, it is only trailing behind by a small margin, so you can easily pull multiple targets at once and still be healthy enough to immediately jump into the next pack of enemies.


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Wow, thought Sub was for pvp hahaha Thanks

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